"we worked 1 year for the role q"

Hmm. Going to have to disagree. I think criticizing them is fair and is often important. But I actually happen to enjoy the game and the direction it has been taking.

I like slower and more cautious updates. I don’t like big or wild changes that happen rapidly. That’s incredibly frustrating to try and get used to and I don’t believe it leads to better balancing.

I think it’s fair to ask why there are so few skins for the events, and the quailty of some of them (chicken legs hanzo X_X) could be better. But what you’re saying comes across as complaining just to complain.

This is also very true. A lot of players like to think they are GM material or they don’t make many mistakes when that couldn’t be further from the truth. For the vast majority of players, sym is a viable pick.

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I love this game man playing it from beta its sad to see dying becouse of so many bad decisions. They really need to speed up the things every year the game getting worse and worse slower heroes bad maps …

Would do a lot better job than blizzard did…also their other games are kinda dead/ish…They messed up every game they made.Thanks to their “great” work …OW is nothing different,slow updates,events that last few weeks,with 3-4new skins,1 intro and few emotes…reworks that failed many times,rework where it wasnt needed…


Their Art teams are really good but their balance teams always sucks.

Just wanted to note, OW isn’t dead, nor is it dying.


But it will die if they are making thing worse every year. 100 % sure after the 2-2-2 thing dont make the game better OW will die. I think people got enough bs this is probably last resort.

I’ve been playing since beta as well. The game isn’t close to dying it just isn’t up to your standards, which is fine, but don’t play it off as being Blizzard’s fault. Ever think you might just be getting burnt out for playing the same game for 3+ years?


This is a distressingly evergreen statement.

i.e. “Oh my gosh, this annual event is JUST LIKE AN ANNUAL EVENT”

That’s a matter of opinion. For you the game might be dying. But I don’t believe that is true for a lot of players or even most.

The game will eventually die, that happens to pretty much every game. But it’s not any time soon I’d wager.

I think the issue is you’re conflating choices made by blizz as being bad balance or game design choices when that isn’t necessarily the case. It’s more that you disagree with it.

And that’s fine. But I think it’s hyperbole to say the game is dying as a whole, or that everything blizz has done is bad.

They also have to adjust your SR on the 3 roles and write an algorithm that teams you up with the appropriate skill level and rewrite how you get connected to a game? You think that’s easy Programm a game using a ready game engine like unity or unreal… They have their own custom engine too it might also be they had to rework on it… Please read before writing comments like this programming a whole game is not like the workshop you see inside of overwatch

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Other than the “breaking the internet” statement, everything Jeff/devs have ever said have always been taken out of context and twisted for self-hype and people believing leaks looking at you obviously photoshopped korean talon achievement and leave logic behind.

I can’t actually tell if you’re trying to crap on me or agree with me, but it’s pretty much how I view all hype and subsequent disappointment on the forums.

Sorry I wasn’t clearer, yes, I agree with you. There is a meltdown that happens among any hero release, or event, or major patch, because people are enraged that what they have decided should happen didn’t happen. It’s tiring to see people acting like they were promised things that the devs flat out never said.

The quote I gave above was because I get so flummoxed at people who flip out because “Summer Games is just Lucioball again” and I’m thinking, “I mean… yes? That’s what Summer Games has always been?”


Were you actually around the forums when everyone was losing their marbles over the “talon archives event?” I had to make a copy pasta of the current lore for each thread explaining how it was literally impossible for a talon event to occur and then on top of that how any team outside of the one we got was also impossible. That was a disturbing time seeing how in denial people were.

That exactly as well. Like…why are people surprised we aren’t getting a new Halloween thing either? There is no beating Overwatch DnD sessions with Rein as the DM. No way.

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Yep. And aside from the fact that there were no indications that it would be a Talon event, the suggested storyline that people were hoping for/expecting was, uh, pretty disturbing.

If you know better, why not apply to Blizzard?

OW isn’t the only game that takes long to implement “simple” things, especially when matchmaking is involved. There are so many other things you have to look out for when even tweaking it just a bit.

The fact that people thought Widow, Sombra, Doom, and Moira was a valid team for a horde mode event was disturbing enough lol

Well, I had been making RoleQueue ideas for the past 8 months.

I put one up about a month ago that’s nearly exactly what we ended up getting.

✅ [2-2-2] Putting RoleQ into Quickplay

The “Quickplay Classic” portion is critical for making RoleQueue work for Quickplay, without excessive DPS queue time issues.

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I’d imagine they more than likely recycled some elements of LFG to use it in the code, but the coding aspect of changing the match maker completely while not borking event game modes and arcade ones as well would take a LOT of time.

Coding isn’t easy at all. Took me a month to make a simple text adventure with different “rooms” :sweat:

That and if one line of code is wrong, the entire thing is borked. Thats the struggle of coding right there.

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I can’t tell you how many times there was a single :/; or a ]/} that ruined many projects for me in college

Because even if you work for Blizzard, unless you’re on the gameplay design team, you wouldn’t have much impact on the gameplay design.

It’s like wanting to go into Hollywood, and expecting them to take your guidance on how to direct a movie.

And even if that works out, you’d be underpaid/overworked, with less job security.

Not to mention, you’d be shouldering a majority of the hopes and dreams of a 35 Billion dollar company, that can’t afford another disgraceful stock loss…

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