We want Roadhog gone

I want him reworked but I also abstain from suggesting things for him because I dislike him so much, and don’t trust that any of my suggestions would be viable.

Like I don’t want him deleted but I’m in no position to offer suggestions. I won’t be fair or reasonable when I think of them.


I’d love to reducehis hp pool a little bit (by 50), but let’s be honest, without a second tank actually balancing him properly is going to be almost impossible.

The best counter to him and characters like him, was having a second tank.

By removing it 6v6 they shot any semblance of balancing the game in the foot.

Never make audacious claims if you’re trying to make a serious point. You don’t speak for everyone. I like Roadhog.

Even with his janky hook and toxic one-shot combo, he is still a tank and where he should be.

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Widow has 200 health, has several counters and actually has to have skill to be effective. Roadhog is mostly abused by people who can’t play anything else, because he gets value with very little skill input.

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The only skill Widow needs is common sense (positioning) and aim tbh

More skill than hog castin hook at the enemy red blob and getting a free kill every 8 seconds

Like mei and sombra? :joy:

I don’t get a w9 from blizz nor do I see any cut from skin sales. I’m a consumer and consumers always have the prerogative to express dissatisfaction, and consumers aren’t obligated to find solutions. We’re not interns.

Blizz has a long and storied history when it comes to player feedback <-> game changes. And its not stellar. Just look at wow. They persisted on staying with bad ideas for an entire expansion then would make the sales pitch for their next one as not having the stuff from their previous expansions sales pitch.

If I came up with a plan sheet for the absolutely most perfectly balanced changes and usher in a new era of overwatch and posted it, it wouldn’t get implemented. Ever. And with the behavior of the current team - I’d wager to you that they wouldn’t implement anything on the document out of spite.

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I dont mind the hook one shot that much, it’s very avoidable and easy to counter.

The problem I have with hog is the heal. He is no longer an off tank designed to flank around and get picks. He is now the main and only tank in your team. Either reduce the healing he gets by at least 30% from his E or remove the damage reduction during it. He becomes virtually unkillable when using it at basically no cost at all. Ram has to stop attacking and face the enemy to use his block for a damage reduction, same with Doom. Hog can just pop E to get half of his health back for free while getting a 50% damage reduction and if he turns around and looks at the ground while using it you can’t even headshot him. It has to be the easily most broken part of his kit for me.

who’s we?

also sym, sombra and mei supporter, lmao, all heroes far more deserving of removal

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She is pretty terrible honestly and needs some major buffs to compete with anything

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Widow doens’t require much skill either so.

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Road Hog is awesome actually.

Hanzo and Mei are the ones that need to be deleted from the game.


not everyone is a teenager who’s thirsty for female characters in the middle of a fight

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That was aggressive. It’s a shame profiles don’t work on the forums anymore. Then you could have seen how wrong you are.

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Nah you don’t buddy, don’t assume.


Spoken like every Doomfist, Sojourn or whoever is on top player.

We love a broken hero, if we use that hero and lament the ones we don’t!

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You’re wrong.


Okay, they speak for like 95% of the community.


i am we, pronouns they/them

we are legion, we demand removal of hog /s