We should ban the Moira Popcorn pic

Shortest toxicity thread I’ve read in a long time. It’s a topic get over it. If nobody can have an opinion, the forums wouldn’t exist and people will probably leave it anyways.

See what I did there? I put the exact same structure as your comment and it did absolutely nothing to the conversation. I can’t have a discussion if you’re not willing to partake. If you’re not willing to partake and you’re just going to be toxic and unconstructive like you normally are (Yes, I’m calling you out as one of the primary people to do this kind of thing), then please leave.

Toxicity has no place here.

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Just calm down and take a break. I think you are just over reacting over a harmless image meme.

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That’s the point. This is a pointless thread it was never supposed to push the topic because like my post said your topic is bad.

Isnt that naming and shaming? One of the big nonos you hop aroud on every thread preaching the forum guidelines on? And your still mad about me poking fun at your “I’m quitting” post? Welcome back to the game btw.

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This is exactly the kind of response I’d expect from you.

  1. I haven’t reinstalled the game. I’ve not stopped posting on the forums completely either.
  2. It’s not naming and shaming unless I quote you. Of which, I’m not doing.

I’m simply stating you’re a toxic individual and your posts in this topic reflects that. You’ve proved my point more than I have.

Go back and look at your post? You quoted me. And either way it’s still name and shame nice twisted justification of the rules you push on everyone else like there a binding contract tho. These are forums on the internet and everyone is basically anonymous. Do you really think they are going to take banning a meme seriously?

Did you edit your comment? I could have swore it just said “Literally naming and shaming” instead of what it says now.

Also, calling a user out for being toxic in a thread isn’t against CoC. It’s basic dialogue that happens in a thread where people are being toxic.

If you aren’t playing the game, why are you posting on the forum specifically about playing the game? The general discussion is to discuss about the game, the one you said you don’t play. This post isn’t discussing about the game, and could actually be seen as spam. Besides, there is rarely any harmful intention from this meme. It is not report worthy, unless used used in an obviously inflammatory comment. Usually, it is just used to add a bit of humor to most likely going to be very controversial, very toxic thread, or to diffuse anger over an already controversial and toxic thread. OP, I feel that you are completely over-reacting to this harmless meme, and are taking offense from where there is none.

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Tell that to every single post about LGBT or about the forums themselves (yes, they’re allowed).

The lgbt posts have to do about characters in the game though. Your post has nothing to do about the game, and is irrelevent to the current forums.


Yep Accidentally posted it early. And you didnt tell me I was just being toxic torward the conversation. You personally attacked me (name) by calling me a toxic person and called me one of the primary people your crying about (shame). Literal name and shame stop being so hypocritical and learn to take a joke which is what the meme is.

We’re allowed to discuss the forums and make posts that are intended to make them better. I do not agree with the OP, but they didn’t break the rules.

Then you could say moira popcorn isn’t a violation of the rules, as it is discussing the current thread by usually saying it is controversial and going to get toxic. If popcorn is spam, this thread is spam.

I think you are trying to misconstrue what a personal attack is. A personal attack is one about you, the player. An example, which by no means is directed at you, is: “You’re just fat” or “I can’t believe an uneducated dirtbag would say that. Stupidest post on the forums”.

Also, calling someone out on their toxicity isn’t against the forum rules. Honestly, if I was in charge, I’d encourage it. Hold people accountable for their toxicity.

Remind you of Moira popcorn?

That is illogical. The moira popcorn gif, and the original topic of discussion on a thread are two different things, that are under different rules.

The OP gets to decide the topic of a thread, and this is the only thread where Moira popcorn is on-topic.

The rules state the topic of a thread just needs to be a couple of things.

A) Overwatch related (forums, game, lore, shorts, esports, merchandise, etc)
B) Not a duplicate of another active thread that you or someone else has created within a fairly short time frame.
C) Not created for toxic things such as naming and shaming, harassment, going after the staff, etc.

This is the only thread of it’s kind, and it’s Overwatch related, so it is not spam.

The Moira popcorn though can fairly be considered spam because it’s off-topic, non-constructive, and a fad statement.

You cant even handle a moira meme. I dont think you would. Anyways have fun with hypocrit/anti-fun stuff and welcome back to the game you “quit” I done became part of the joke I was making fun of so I’m out lol.

The OP didn’t mention the forums at all. It was purely about Moira popcorn. They could have at least said something along the lines of “the forums use of Moira popcorn” they never specified. For all we know it’s reddits use of Moira popcorn.

The forums sure know how to drive a once funny meme into the ground

Still haven’t reinstalled the game. I also never really left the forums.

So blind by your own hatred of me and my ideas that you’re ignoring information I give you.

Where else are you gonna put this? On reddit? In your driveway in chalk? \s. Seriously though. Where else would this be implied? I said it is hardly put into a conversation for civil and quality discussion. It’s almost never for that. Where else would this even be relevant?

The Moira popcorn pic is a creation of these forums. Why would they be trying to police Reddit’s behavior on the Overwatch forums?

Now, you’re just grasping at straws.

It’s one thing to not like a topic, it’s quite another to do mental gymnastics to pretend that a topic isn’t allowed to exist.

This thread has hundreds of replies, and the mods have deleted other threads today so they’ve definitely seen it. If this thread wasn’t allowed, it would have met the same fate already.

The topic itself is fine. It might get closed down the line because the discourse hasn’t been terribly civil, but the topic itself is not against the rules.

I don’t agree with the OP about outright banning the image, but I also don’t agree with intellectual dishonesty.

It is obvious why this topic has been allowed. And it is also obvious why the OP feels that it violates the COC.

It’s up for debate whether they are being overly strict in their interpretation and if it is a violation, or if it constitutes a severe enough one to warrant the drastic action of the OP. But the above two things are obvious and clear to anyone not doing mental gymnastics to avoid addressing an opinion they don’t agree with using any kind of fair minded analysis.