our names have a 5 digit code. 1st week, numbers ending with 0,1,2. 2nd week ending 3,4,5 etc…
its so simple. maybe streaming should give access sooner but 2nd beta period should be handled with a system like this.
Or you could just wait and try and get in tomorrow or wait for the open beta
You’ll be able to get beta access for three weeks tomorrow.
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first you gotta simp 4 hours of anybodys stream?a
Nope. Just gotta leave it open
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All 400k of us will get in right? Ok
Assuming all 400k of you accumulate 4 hours of watch time within the 8 hour period, and have your Battle.net account linked to your Twitch account, yes. That is the idea.
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“closed beta”. I never heard of it.