Incase you hadn’t noticed, Hanzo is OP. So there’s a reason a lot of threads him cropping up, much as there was lots of threads about Junkrat cropping up a few seasons back, and look what happened to him.
They nerfed the wrong part of him that made him op and sent him spiraling into trash tier?
Yes, we know your opinion on Hanzo.
Whenever I browse the forum while at work or class, these are usually the threads I see. Mostly the lgbt ones.
Maybe they’re not listening because most of these forums are full of entitled fanboys demanding Blizzard bow to them and balance the game exactly how THEY think it should be, despite the fact that like 80% of the “balance” changes they’re suggesting would leave the character they’re talking about F-tier or so OP they’re a must pick.
You can use the mute function, there really isn’t that many. The same few just pops up a lot because they receive so many replies.
I do mute them. I mute everything I don’t find either interesting or threads I know will just be full of bickering. But for every muted thread, 10 more show up. Not specifically directed towards the lgbt ones.
Being vocal does not matter more then an issue that is REAL. Mercy may be in a state YOU dont like but the Devs are fine with it as of now. Why would you screaming and crying like a child change that?
There’s been a ton of other feedback regarding Mercy which has also been ignored, which isn’t just about revert. All they got was a ‘pick rate and win rate are fine’ sentence which wasn’t even originally posted within the megathread (it was moved there later on from another thread). Seems there’s some folk on this forum who conveniently ignore that fact.
In one breath they claim they still want our feedback and read it often, though the forum profile stats would indicate that’s not necessarily true, but on the other hand there’s no actual discussion from them regarding what they might consider or not consider based on some of the feedback that some players have taken the time to post. It’s nothing more than a damage control thread at the moment and a poor practice to uphold on forums in my opinion.
Just because you see things a certain way does not mean that’s how they are. You have no idea whats going on behind closed doors. Feedback does not = brilliant game changing ideas. 90% of the “feedback” I see here is I dont like this or I dont like that. Like has nothing to do with FACT.
Yet people didn’t ‘like’ mass resurrect. It was unfun to play against. Now some players find Mercy dull to play as, while some are offering some other suggestions which aren’t just mass resurrect/revert, it’s being put into a containment megathread. Anyway I’m done with replying in this thread, it’s now on mute .
The Sombra gif is in the beta list (in the café)
The issue isn’t necessarily valid since fun is a subjective topic there are people who want mercy to be reverted but there are people who do like new mercy and reverts arent a thing that the devs do
A good chunk of that feedback is revert mercy ive seen someone who wanted mercy to be a broken single target healer not all ideas and opinions work or are even healthy for this game
They do internal testing like when people had suggestions when hanzo was undergoing his rework none of them worked but they implemented it also the devs arent going to give the answer that people want so they appear less because they’ll be more whining if they do
To be fair, the forums are usually just full on whiners who would sooner call a character op than learning to work around them, there are still people who call Moira op for gods sake, no matter what they do the forums will never be happy, so why listen to them at all?