If all tank and support players start using LFG it’ll be like a forced 2-2-2 for the dps. With 20 minutes in que. We have the tools to fix the problem.
Tank and supports made better to play = Tank-support 3-3
Better to play =/= Buffing.
Nope. Four words in, and i can already see this ending badly. Just, no.
As Torb would say: “Bingo!”
As i said, above: “Bingo!”
I agree.
I also agree. I’ve said before that one of the biggest problems with tank and support is a roster issue. I mean, come on, Damage is the size of Tank and Support combined. Thats an issue. Having a roster that out of balance, leads to a lack of diversity and viable picks. So, of course people will pick the role that gives them that. In this case, Damage.
I told you before (at least, i think it was you), that we need to do this, regardless.
That would be nice. I’m sick of the counterproductive things in this OverWatch system. In one breath, they tell you to group up to gain an XP bonus or for consistency in your games. Yet, in the other breath, they’ll punish you for not playing with enough different people by either dropping your endorsement level or making it extremely hard to maintain/increase it. It’s stupid.
Right? It’s almost impossible for tanks, and especially support, to get play of the game, because of the way it is, currently, assessed.
force? you mean make tanks and supports more fun?
But seriously, more health packs and a passive heal mechanic and you could literally get rid of (turn them into DPS) healers. Tanking would more or less be the only issue.
Yeah then there that too as well… I mean we already have DPS Moiras running rampant.
Tanking is a problem, so let us green light my OP Juggernaut, ehm I mean Reinhardt idea.
You are my favorite person on the forums. Always so positive… And wacky. Rofl.
Tips Hat
The only thing that makes Tanks better DPS than most DPS is that they don’t get instantly exploded by Widowmaker.
Cause it turns out that a Tank doing okay DPS is much more effective than a DPS that does fantastic DPS if the DPS are dying to OHK’s.
Yeah, but if you ARE going to buff their tankyness, you will have to nerf their DPSness.
2/2/2 Role Que and let them sit in the line for 30 minutes to find a game, should cut down on the population of DPS players.
Should not nerf healers and tanks then.
zzzzzzz… you cant even play around a tank that isnt rein… lol dude how do u even play the game like this??
We need a Widow or Mercy level of attractive look for a main tank. I refuse to play any main tank, except Dva, until we get an attractive and young tank that isn’t a robot or animal. Winston and the hamster are both the animal tanks. Hog is not attractive. Orisa is a robot made in the image of a horse. Rein is an old man in a gigantic armor suit.
Balance-wise I think it would be healthier to raise DPS’s resistance to burst damage than buff tanks survivability and DPS’s damage.
Using your example, a large reason of why DPS who would otherwise be good against Dive couldn’t really do much about it was because Dva’s matrix allowed her to deny any damage for long enough that Dives burst could take them out.
You can buff McCree’s damage all you want, but its irrelevant if Dva can just Matrix anything he can do long enough to take him out.
That would definitely reduce DPS players, but for the wrong reasons. It is going to be a hard pass from me, mate.
If I get forced onto the tank roll and have to play Reinhardt, I’d just leave the game tbh.
Its not worth the suffering
Agreed. but, that was before the hack timing changes. Sombra wasn’t a reasonable counter to dive at the time. Though, some teams managed on some maps (Numbani for instant, a Sombra could hack her mid flight because she could be on the ground which D’va had to pass).
Brigitte was a requirement to countering Mobility in general, and was pretty good at stopping Dive. (In part because she could cause the Winston blow his shield before he landed, and because she also increased the TTK with repair pack, giving peel time to work).
The Tanks counters also need to work - but on a different counter for different tanks kind of way.
RoleQ would also work pretty well.
Mei, Sombra, Hanzo, and Widowmaker prevent the tank role from being properly explored by developers.
They’d all need reworks.
Definitely the most exotic tank is Wrecking Ball, and he’s hardcountered by all of them but Widowmaker.
Doomfist could be treated as a weird sort of tank (disrupts enemy teams, very high survivability with support from Brigitte and/or Zarya) if it wasn’t for Mei and Sombra.
Thanks to Widowmaker, all tanks (except Wrecking Ball due to no head) need to have not just way more health than damage heroes, but also some way to not die in like 2 seconds through headshot spam. So that’s a lot of tank options out the window.
So that problem must be fixed, then tanks can be played around with.