We Need to Dispel Some Myths About Mercy

Yes - I - Get - Bored - And - Distracted - Easily.
I’m sorry.

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Want to know what really happened to her? Team synergy

Her pickrate after the nerfs plummeted very low due to people’s disbelief in her success, but after a while her pickrates started rising steadily. From the beginning of S9 at about 3.5% to double 7% at the beginning of S10. That’s pretty average for a healer until the current meta formed withing the next 2 weeks and during that time her pickrate almost doubled again and it has stayed at about 13-15% ever since. Why?

This is all because meta has never been as strict as it was in S10. Here’s how the team composition was put together in general:
Hanzo is the overtuned #1 DPS so he’s the first pick -> Zarya has wombocombo for him -> Zenyatta counters wombocombo and Reinhardt has high synergy with Zarya -> Mercy has high synergy with Hanzo, Zarya and Zenyatta + can damage-boost to counter trans and resurrect is easier to pull off due to Reinhardt’s and Zarya’s protection (+it’s stronger in ult-combo oriented games). The last pick used to be Brigitte but since she was tuned down people have sometimes found more value in a Widow/Tracer/Genji

If your opponents play this composition you have to play the same composition or something similar that has counters to them (like for example Phamercy against a Brigitte comp). Otherwise you’ll just end up losing unless variance has blessed you with a better team or the opponents make mistakes.

In other words Mercy just outshines both Moira and Ana heavily in this meta. Resurrect is fine and Mercy is fine. Balancing heroes because they have such high synergy in the current meta isn’t acceptable as a reason alone.

Hey, lets spin this the other way around, shall we?

Zen is meta. Plain and simple. Yet his healing, outside of trans, is abysmal. Who you’re gonna take for second support slot? Main healer. Makes sense so far?

Brig? No way - her healing isn’t sufficient even in proper 2-combos. Lucio? Lol. Main healers, as I said, with added utility.

So, Ana. Ana is inconsistent garbage that requires too much work for too little payoff. “Oh, it’s because Mercy is OP!” No, it’s because her basics suck. Lack of regen. Blockable healing. Questionable ult. No personal survivability. Literally no reason to pick her over Mercy or Moira.

Next. Moira. Hero notorious for her absolute lack of utility. Doesn’t bring nearly enough damage to compensate, ESPECIALLY in GM area. Can heal only in close range. Has healing mechanic that can be abused and shut down by enemy team. She isn’t bad like Ana, but very situational, and very pro-unfriendly. And all of that was before her barrier “fix”.

So, yeah. Make your pick of “the only main healer capable to do her job”.

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People get bored by her ult and go afk during it thats why there is a loss of healing. :stuck_out_tongue:

Please call it by its real name. Please call it The Pit of Misery. Thank you!

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I have a theory…


Omg…you’re so right

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Might want to specify that you are referring to GM.

A steady increase in pickrate such as that indicates that players are realizing just how good Mercy still is. Similar to the previous time Mercy was nerfed, her pickrate in competitive dropped to about half of what it was before. Likewise, it rebounded to solidify her place in the meta (which at the time was still Dive). It rebounded faster at that time because her superiority was more blatant, but her competitive pickrate came back nonetheless… Once again to solidify in another meta.

And why is that?

Could it be that the hero balance today is more out of whack than it was before? The Dive Meta in season 5 was never this strict, even to heroes that were blatantly countered by it (Ana).

Contrast that to the current meta; a deathball composition. Other healers (namely Ana, Brigitte, and Moira) should be far more viable than they are now. The meta suits them better.

Yet we are stuck with Mercy/Zenyatta being the #1 healers by a very long shot.

He may be overtuned, but your argument falls apart here when looking at his pickrate versus all of the included heroes. If he was the only reason for the meta by enabling the other four heroes (directly or by transitivity), shouldn’t his pickrate be greater than or equal to the pickrates of those whom he enables?

And yet… out of those first five heroes you mentioned, Hanzo has the lowest pickrate. The second lowest is Zarya, who has a pickrate 2% higher than Hanzo’s. Meanwhile, the other three heroes are 1-2% higher than that.

If Hanzo is the cause of this meta like you make it out to be, why is he falling so far behind?

When she should be sharing the turf more with the other healers.


I thought that this was assumed since meta discussion in lower tiers is rather irrelevant due to skill floors being much relevant rather than skill ceilings and what heroes are realistically capable of. My bad.

Because of their roles. There’s no variance in supports unless somebody straight up declines from playing Mercy or Zenyatta. Same goes for Reinhardt and Zarya of which Zarya has slightly lower pickrate since he isn’t always paired with a Hanzo that makes her much stronger. DPS is many times more played category so there’s bound to be changes especially since pre-rework Hanzo mains are a rarity. There’s a lot more natural variance here.

Not necessarily. We had the Dive Meta through season 5 and early season 6 in which Lucio was the other healer.

This sounds reasonable, until you look at what exactly has changed since Ana was last a good pick:

  • -10 rifle damage.
  • +4 rounds in a magazine.
  • Projectiles now travel through full-health allies.

Really not enough to explain dropping from decent to flaming garbage unless someone else has ascended far above where she used to be.

Are you sure about that? Zenyatta is more viable than she is, and he only deals 3000 more damage/game than Moira. Moira gets more eliminations than Zenyatta on average.

And that’s not even considering the 4000 more healing Moira has on top of that

15 meters; the same range as Mercy’s beams.

Sure. In the same way the enemy team can shut down a DPS: By not getting shot.

That also works against DPS/healer hybrids. Oh wait… looks at Zenyatta

The barrier “fix” did ruin her a bit, but she was fine prior to that change.

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I don’t even play Mercy and I agree with all of your points. I just want her to be fun to play as for her players and against for those not playing her.

I never had an issue with mass rez in the first place. If a Mercy got a huge rez, that’s not because she was OP, it was because my team screwed up.

And all I know is I hooked so many Mercy’s that were trying for a Rez (huge or small) that saying it was uncounterable is laughable to me.


do you mind sharing your source for mercy’s healing numbers over time? not that i doubt you, i just would like to compare them to the other healers’ numbers. because my theory is that there is no one cause that makes mercy the clear cut winner. it’s a mix of an absurd number of small advantages that she has. a very large one being that she is now the ONLY healer capable of healing through barriers. so while her healing numbers may not have changed, i think that’s actually an indication of a problem, rather than an indication of the absence of a problem, because i have a feeling that other healers’ numbers have gradually fallen in proportion to the amount of barriers that have shown up in the game.

like i said though, i don’t think that this one thing is the reason she’s so much better compared to other healers. it’s the fact that she has the best mobility, the best survivability, that she has the best passive self-healing, that she provides amongst the best utility in the game, she has the most consistent healing in the game, coupled with among the highest healing outputs in the game.

Mercy is the best healer because she is the best or among the best at everything a healer needs to do

The only thing that would cause Hanzo’s pickrate to drop would be players not picking Hanzo.

Hero pickrate on Overbuff isn’t relative to the the pickrates of other heroes in the same class. It’s how often they are picked for every 6 players.

For example, a 16.67% pickrate means the hero is picked literally whenever it is possible to pick that hero. It means that for every 12 players, two of them picked that hero.

Several heroes of the same class are able to have a 16.67% pickrate. The game’s balance would need to be utterly abysmal for that to happen, but it is possible.

If Hanzo is the driving force for the meta, if he is the enabler, then the other heroes that supposedly come as a result of his presence should have a pickrate that is on par with him at the most.

Some slight variation would be reasonable, but from 9% to 11%? That’s pretty suspicious.

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They came from Overbuff at the time I recorded them. I don’t think Overbuff stores those numbers long-term, unfortunately.

I can bring healing statistics from other healers that I have recorded from 2017 in here as well, though.

And there is no denying that she was and is the best at healing. However, that didn’t necessarily translate to her being the best healer.

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Unfortunately mercy is even more prominent in this meta than the last. Ana and Moira are even worse off. U hate hero bashing but having only one play makes for stagnant feeling gameplay.

Old mercy was way more dynamic and mass rez was turnt up


Whilst I absolutely agree with all the points you made, it is worth noting that the meta definitely helps her. It’s awful for Moira despite seeming like it should be great for her.

New Valkyrie Ultimate:

Upon activation, her chained healing beam chain heals allies that are alive, but also begins to fill the health bars of dead allies within the chained healing tether radius only. Once dead allies’ health meters reach 50%, they are automatically revived with 50% of their health pools and a 1.75s invulnerability. Mercy retains full movement while performing Valkyrie for its duration with no invulnerability. When switching to chained damage boosting during Valkyrie, dead allies’ health bars are not filled. When switching back to chained healing, dead allies’ health bars resume gaining health. Upon the conclusion of Valkyrie’s duration, any dead allies below 50% health remain dead.
Edit: Valkyrie duration reduced by 50%.

New E Ability:

Mercy emits a burst of light around her which dazes, or blinds, enemies within a 20ft radius looking in her direction for 1.5 seconds and cleanses all allies of crowd control within 10ft of her location for 3 seconds.

Edit: It was pointed out that this would be too much like another ultimate on E which after some thought I’d have to agree with. We don’t want that, so instead I propose:

A single targeted cleanse on a 10 second cooldown that removes crowd control effects and grants CC immunity to the target for 3 seconds. It would be great if there was a way for Mercy to use it on herself as well but I can’t think of a way to make that happen unless it’s a ground targeted rune that she could place at her own feet or an ally’s feet.

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That’s the part i can’t wrap my head around with the posters so comitted to arguing against a revert.

If you really dislike Mercy or Rez, the post-rework version is the worst possible timeline.

She’s seemingly always meta, is constantly resurrecting fallen heroes in their games and not just 2-3 times per match, makes Ana obsolete, is less challenging to play than ever before, and infringes on other heroes’ niche (cough AoE healing/dmg boosting cough).

I don’t know if the fact that these people played themselves hard is any comfort to Mercy mains but it is certainly quite ironic.


O don’t mind about your “balanced post” your a simple player, not a dev, and not a pro.
I’m not like all of you pretending I can run a video game better than pro or concepteur.

All I do is reading forum, put my point one time and let the competent personne do their job.

Until now, the only bad decision they make was when they listen to much the crying kid.

And for Zenyata, you don’t need to be a pro to understand why it’s the most stronger support in the game since S2.
If you can’t figure that, so y, your just a crying guy like all other.

That duration would need to be cut by a sizable amount to be balanced. Otherwise, I like it.

That sounds a lot like another ultimate on a cooldown, and I think I speak for many more people than myself when I say that I want Mercy to have an E ability that can be used frequently. Remove the effects on enemies and make the cleanse a targeted ability that can be used on one ally. Drop the cooldown to 10 seconds.