We Need to Dispel Some Myths About Mercy

Blizzard needs to read them and then be tested on them in a major exam with essay questions at the end.


You are describing Mercy 1.x on the left and 2.x on the right.

The statistics point to quite the opposite.

How about… No.

I am not going to tolerate my favorite hero being taken out of the game.


Got a laugh from this. :smile:


Back from the main thread, everything is fixed now i hope, gonna read what’s happening in here to update my self!

if u find staying behind a wall and pressing q fun great for you. i never liked that part bc it feels unfair. evn when not hiding. i like mercys base kit and now with valkyrie its even better. again back to the statistics, show me the rez statistics then old mercy i got average 10 resses per match and now like 3-4 so its much more healthy for the game

There are many proposals that take in count both the existence of valk and old mercy on the same kit, ofcourse differently tuned then before. Have you ever read any of them? Or would you be interested on knowing some of those examples?

You can grade the exams.

I’m just gonna watch you preach honey


Mercy is not OP, it’s exactly where she must be, as a reliable main healer, easy to use mechanically, but she needs good tactic sense and awareness. Counterplay gives balance to the skill no matter how much you want to twist it and yes, she is in perfect state, in your OP you say that you don’t play her lately, well, your review is flawed then.

If any the should review the other healers to improve some flaws, like with Ana, Lucio or Moira.

The “afk chandelier”?, c’mon, it’s an ulti with a lot of utility, do you even watch the OWL?, good Mercys even get picks in those moments, plus all the healing and damage.

I play all supports and I have played Mercy in all versions. I didn’t like when they removed the original ulti, but now I understand the change and I am glad with the current state of the class.

Okay so, my problem with this statement is…
Nothing, NOTHING, in game can ever make you hide. That was your own choice, whether you did it cause you wanted to or you did it because your teammates were yelling at you to, it was your choice.

So, according to your entire reply, your problem with old mercy is that you had to press q???


I’d argue against that, but we have Titanium’s posts to do that for me.

scoffs You mean the only reliable main healer

Low key a little too easy.

This applies to any hero and any version or iteration of Mercy.

Okay, in all honesty, can you explain this sentence out to me, cause I am very confused and my brain hurts.

Ehhhhhhh, most people will argue that Mercy is not fine now, whether it is that she needs another rework, revert, buffs, or nerfs.


So, nothing you have said in here debunks the statement that Mercy is an “afk chandelier”.

It can have a lot of utility and still be boring af.

Where they mostly fly around while shifting between m1 and m2?

It is almost always better to heal or damage boost during valkyrie, but sometimes you have to kill. Which is sadly the most fun I ever have with it, using it how it how it is not supposed to be used.

Again, you can literally heal and damage boost while afk during valk.


I wouldnt under estimate her slowly increasing mobility and survivability buff. Because that is what other supports lack most. Even Lucio is slow against Mercy now

Have you played current rez, you hAVE to hide to use rez, either that or your team is baysitting you or the enemy are incompetent.

Hide’n’rez was never an ideal strat it was a cheese strat that got countered by any semblance of ult economy and an enemy that realized they had first shot when invuln wore off.

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They reverted Mei’s falloff damage, so there’s hope.

Obviously Switzerland is also Myth. Its been busted by Thanos personally.

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Marvelous, this thread is still live!

Good post. Imo they should replace her E and make rez only available in valk.

On a side note, how the hell did her average healing decrease post rework?? She got chain healing and extra survivability, how did she end up healing less?

Too - Much - Reading.