We need to discuss Mercy, NOW

The forum is largely full of toxic Mercy mains. So it’s kinda pointless.
Also again the forum is a tiny minority,so it matters even less.

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Oh are we gonna have the talk?! Are we doing it?! Well guess what no1 gives a frozen chocolate cookie about it

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Hm, I don’t know… do I? :thinking: Hmmm…

I know that you want to restrict rez to valk (with two charges, if I remember correctly?). But the game has already tried the “Valk with two rezzes” build of Valkyrie, and it was discarded.

If you give Mercy a new E abilty for that version of Valk, you risk her becoming overloaded. If you don’t give her a new E abilty to accompany that version of Valk, Mercy goes back to being extremely ult-dependent.

I will admit that I’m biased against Valkyrie on both a practical and conceptual level. “Not being fun/engaging” aside, I think it’s very important for each hero to have consistent weaknesses. Valkyrie removes all of Mercy’s.

It gives her free flight/permaregen to ignore most flankers and dive tanks (who are supposed to be hard counters to Mercy, when played correctly), and the chain beams remove her single-target weakness. The whole thing looks like a giant crutch for players who aren’t good with Mercy’s base kit.

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No no no no, that is not what I’m discussing.

You have ideas, promote them. Screw anybody else, just say what you think will work.

Because if ya don’t, people will never shut up woth their “unhealthy” ideas.

If you genuinely want to know why I think she is less fun now (and I’m not saying we should have a revert, there are other changes that can be made) I invite you to read my post about it here (don’t forget to expand it as it is more than one paragraph):

At this point, a lot of the player base would agree on my part.

So~ Yeah. :slight_smile:

Well, imagine if they removed PermaRegen in Valk.

What sort of buff could you trade that for, that devs might actually do.

Prove it?
Oh wait you can’t.

Can you discredit me?

Or are you just going to use the same “Without Proof” tactics you claim I’m using?

It’s 15 seconds of actually needing to be skillful instead of walking around holding a button and rezzing. (And even then, it doesn’t take that much skill but it is still more challenging than a button press).

You pretty much have the power of multiple heroes combined, but sure, pressing a button for an easy win is much more fun.

Honestly judging by a majority of “Mercy mains” on these forums, you all seem to be so used to getting so much reward with no skill required that the moment your ult actually requires you to do something, you all freak out and demand a revert.

I believe the number of people you think would agree with you and a lot of the player base are two vastly different numbers.

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It would still look like a big crutch to me.

I don’t want to do “more of the same” when I ult. I want to do something exciting and new, that makes me feel like a bad@$$.

No, I don’t enjoy Soldier or Torbjorn’s ult. For the same reasons.

The forum is a tiny portion of the playerbase.
How many more times does it need repeated?
You don’t get to assume anything outside the forum as there is no data.
Stop using playerbase and use the forum w/e

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I think you misunderstood me… Please read my expanded motivation that I posted in a followup reply to you.

Well at a high level, what would that badass thing accomplish?

Healing, Shielding, Damage Boost, Damage?

How are you so sure?
That’s all I hear from my opposition.

“You can’t prove the numbers, so this argument is invalid.”

Can y’all provide any counter numbers? No??? That’s what I thought. -.-

We need to discuss Mercy, NOW

…on an existing thread plz.

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This thread exists, get over it.

Logical fallacy my friend.
A claim which you are making must have evidence for it otherwise you are talking out your backside.
Its not on others to prove you false.

You can have an opinion,but you clearly don’t see it that way, you are making claims.