Are you removing revive?
Probably not. They usually don’t listen to mercy feedback.
I doubt it. Haven’t they said they think mercy is fine now? I’m not sure I agree with that but you can’t change their minds…
Nope, they’ve said so already
Or Sombra feedback. Or Symmetra feedback.
What feedback DO they listen to?
Mercy’s rez is too ingrained in sprays, voice lines, highlight intros and even in profile icons. They’d have to redo half of Mercy’s cosmetics and waste all the “they have been revived” and “thanks Mercy” voice lines added in for EVERY hero since the rework
I feel like a very small portion of the community actually wants rez gone. Most people just want to make it harder to rez (which baffles me because she’s already standing stil and totally vulnerable)
Feedback from the pros. Literally only them.
For example, they got Sombra nerfed before they ever really got to play her after her buff. Because they were scared she’d be a must pick (she wasn’t)
There’s more i’m forgetting, I know, but I have no idea what they were :<
She wasn’t even a must-pick for the two weeks she was supposedly good. I say “supposedly” because I like Sombra, viable or not.
Exactly, the nerfs were unnecessary! They were just being whiny that they might have to adapt a little.
If I remember correctly Jeff somewhere said they gonna tweak her to be balanced but if it wont work they might revert rez back to ultimate. Doesn’t seems they plan to do it now.
“Working as intended”
What’s going on!? It says “please read!”