Or trashcan. Whatever you wanna call it. This spam is getting to peak mercy levels of bad. Syms fine and balanced get over it.
until she has a golden glove I won’t stop posting. We have multiple Megathreads
No one cares how fine sym is she is a completely different character from her previous versions.
No amount of buffs will bring back the playstyle we lost
Yeah, stats dont agree with you.
Also if you dont like these threads just ignore them. Its not that hard.
I laughed too hard I’m terrible
Commit WUT?!
Mercy rein tracer tyvm
We had Doomfist Sombra and Brig threads flooding the forums when they were fine, i think requesting a golden glove is okay.
Lulwut. No british lesbians allowed on my teleporter. Get a hitscan pls.
Your making my brain hurt bweetch. And its not cause you think i play number games.
Seriously I post one sym article and you guys cry.
Its a compliment for me, keep going.
You’re just so famous for your Sym threads~
It’s because I am like a thorn,
A piece of wood stuck in your skin you can’t get out.
(And it’s because I am right, Sym does need a rework but “some” are in denial.)
Thank you for all of your posts.
That’s a splinter not a thorn. But I feel you.
All good things mate… all good things… sometimes its best to accept reality and move forward…
(Well this splinter has thorns) anyway gotta focus making a surprise lunch for my mom. Peace
Yeah smash is where it’s lol
I gave up on the dev team of this game they don’t address actually problems except for toxicity. Toxicity comes from somewhere
There not A megathread tho
It honestly shouldnt be