We need a scoreboard, I saw an Ana playing DPS in replay

Everything, everywhere, is contextual. That is the entire point of context. A pitcher may have an injured finger. A basketball player might be getting double teamed. the stats are still there regardless. Someone misinterpreting the stats is not the fault of the stats themselves. It is a skill that the players must learn on how to draw the best conclusions from the stats to get the most optimal results.


this is an old post.

they’re concerned about showing how well Tracer is doing on a scoreboard.

obviously everyone will give Tracer a break on the numbers when they she is poking around in the background. I guess it’s just not the “blizzard way” :roll_eyes:

I could see if they didn’t want to start production on a scoreboard until they figured out all the kinks, but I bet by November we will have Guilds and Scoreboards.

Sadly this game looks like it will never have any kind of scoreboard, which is yet another reason it is so toxic.

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I think it will. maybe 5 years from now lol, but it will

Agreed, but a player in the middle of a game isn’t going to be able to extract easily context from a scoreboard. During replay, sure.


two different people, same icon

Indeed. and to answer your question, people (at least they should be), especially higher ranked players, are checking and double checking constantly already as it lets them see comp changes and the like. just finished a teamfight? they check. coming back from spawn? they check. It’s a habit more people need to get in the hang of, and it fits in just fine here


Depends. Low rank players don’t have the game sense to put scoreboard stats in the context of the match. High rank players do, but their game sense is usually good enough that they don’t actually need a scoreboard to figure out who is/isn’t pulling their weight.

So, basically, it would be useless at high ranks, possibly increase toxicity at low ranks (but mostly just be useless. They don’t need help to be toxic), and possibly help the people in between.

Personally, I don’t really see the harm in adding one. It’s not like having no scoreboard has kept the flaming, blaming, or general toxicity down. But it’s also not a panacea to the issue of players not understanding why they’re losing and assigning blame/changing things up properly


Well, at least in the case of the OP - he used to admit all the time that the reason he wants a scoreboard is so that he could know which teammates to blame… so it would definitely increase toxicity in lower ranks.


Seagull wants a scoreboard. Surefore says he’d like to see overall healing percentage revealed. Seagull could be advocating for the lower ranks, but I think he really wants a scoreboard for his own games.

if you blame someone for stealing a candy bar, that’s not what toxicity is

and I just said that to move along the discussion, something that you have no interest in doing.

Sure, but let’s be honest. He’s going to be blaming someone regardless.

I’ve been watching silver/gold streams lately and the one common thing between almost all of them is that it’s always somebody else’s fault when they lose.

As far as I’m concerned, if a players gonna be toxic, there’s nothing that can be done to stop it (other than a global mute)


this is sentiment of Jeff, Seagull and Surefore, they all agree that a scoreboard won’t increase or decrease BLAMING. no blame, blame bad, you blame you bad :]

I’ve never been against a meaningful scoreboard - but I’m moderately against one in-game. Kills, deaths, damage dealt, healing done - none of these are important during the match. I’d much rather see interesting and meaningful post-match statistics.

The problem is in defining, measuring, and rendering impact. Just because a deep learning AI is able to determine whether or not a certain player had impact on a match and in what ways that player did doesn’t mean that we can extract that information in a meaningful or even human-readable way.


just because you can’t find the meaning, doesn’t mean that it does not exist

This is true. Absence of proof is not proof of absence. However, when you say that you want a scoreboard in order to blame teammates based on how big their numbers are, I don’t want people like you to have a scoreboard.


scoreboard contribution is voluntary.

do gooders who do harm

Guilds, sure. I can back up guilds. I think guilds are good for the game long term. However, if I was the devs, I’d have a hard time adding any features like it because of how LFG has been blasted by the community.

I am against a scoreboard because if it increase toxicity, you cannot simply remove it. The potential for it being a big step back is too great.


I don’t think it’s true that you can’t extract meaningful information from a scoreboard. People always say the same thing about medals, but you can discern things about the way the game is going by looking at them. It’s about having the game knowledge to interpret the data that you’re given.

Just at the most basic level, you can figure out which dps is actually securing kills/dealing damage and which might want to consider swapping heroes. Same with healing. I’ve had games where I’ve got gold healing as roadhog, when we have an Ana. It might not give a perfect picture of the state of the match, but it can give a good indication of where something is lacking/in abundance.

Either way, I think that the pros outweigh the cons simply because -as I said - you’re not going to be able to stop people from being toxic and blaming others.

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LFG was huge when it came out, it was the QoL that was lacking that drove people away

might as well never print another book again, yeah?

I know you don’t think players in the low ranks know this stuff without a scoreboard, but many of us do. The kill cam tells a lot, as does payload/objective progress, ult tracking, and counter picks.

We don’t need a crutch to see effectiveness.