We live in a world where waiting 12mins to play a game is acceptable

I’m gold/plat. I play in the most populated part of the game and I have to wait 10+ mins every time I want to play.

If I was in charge of this game with pro players leaving directly quoting queue times as a factor. I’d be like… forget OW2 (more revenue) lets take care of all the people who already bought this game.

At this point. I’m not sure I’ll make it to the release of OW2 and to be honest I don’t want PVE anyway. I just want to play more than 3 games an evening.


They need to add open queue next to competitive, I believe this will help the Q times.


We live in a society.

I dunno where you’ve got the idea that it’s acceptable from, it’s a pretty common complaint on the forums and about the game in general. (And, if I may offer my opinion, it’s probably the worst problem that the game has faced since launch brig)



I hope it rises to 20 minutes after they inevitably butcher Moira and her players go to play dps like most tank and support players have done in the past. That will be my one solace. I have no chill with their reworks anymore, I want to see this game burn


It won’t, it will just have people leave.

Some will be the supports, some will be the DPS displaced by longer queue times.


Why not just queue for multiple roles?

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Acceptable is a strong word.

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It’s considered acceptable because it’s been in the game for months and not fixed. Therefore not considered a priority.

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Do people ever get in ranked to play dps when they q solo and pick all roles?


Happened to me once, many moons ago.

Game was cancelled


Devs have mentioned Q times being a problem plenty.
It’s just, how do you fix it?


There was seemingly some test with queues, at least on console, where it was 8 minutes to tank. When I queued for all 3, I actually got dps more than tank and support combined.

No idea what that was about.

I don’t want to play multiple roles. The three roles are Babysitter, Scapegoat and DPS and I really enjoy playing DPS.


Dud, i got a match in Cake Champions faster then in Overwatch, love me some Quake.
And thats a game with like 10k active players spread across all time zones.
Abandoned Unreal Tournament has faster queue…
I suspect overwatch has seriously low playerbase.

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That some unfortunate experience then i see

Interesting, never heard of any tests with it.

The issue is more the spread. Having so many arcade modes (especially qp classic) with the role lock which separates the pool thrice… and you are going to have long queues even in a game like CoD.

Albeit, pretty sure we have an abnormally low playerbase regardless.

While I do believe those queues are insane …

Sorry mate but you got your labels wrong. Roles are:

  • Tank - Punching bag / Masochist
  • Support - Babysitter / Abusive mother
  • DPS - Scapegoat / Ragequitter

On a side note, did you actually changed your btag to “Uninstalled” after doing so? Because that would help your point way more.


I have a feeling I know the path this thread is going to take…reasonable discussion related to queue times and open queue by reasonable people, then Sunday trolls and role queue/Blizzard defenders (and of course, the people still affected by lunacy) come in and turn this thread into a mess…

That said, OP, I hear you completely.


Did you know...

…there’s a role you can select that gets you into a game instantly?


I haven’t played in a while due to an injury, can’t you just spend that time warming up in Deathmatch?

I mean you’re SUPPOSED to warm up in deathmatch anyway, especially if you’re Damage.