We just gonna forget that Pharah exists?

2/2/2 is a thing now, so I feel it’s kind of different.

Give her 150 health and armro and buff armor. Give her a passive that makes fall-off damage start earlier.

If anything, 2-2-2 makes her stronger.


She’s not doo doo on console, she actually has a pretty important role in shutting down cheese comps like mei/sym by forcing them to switch

Let’s wait to see her stats with 222.

I’d say the opposite. If your two Damage players aren’t good at hitscan or Pharah themselves, and you end up facing Pharah, you probably just lose. You can’t shuffle players around or stack triple hitscan to compensate.


Falloff damage isn’t even an issue against her, as long as shot placement is consistent it’s enough to deal with her.

Besides, her effective range is well within that of her counter’s anyway.

Mei can shoot Pharah down pretty easily and with Sigma being in almost every comp game, he simply counters her by drawing his barrier right in front of her.

she’s kind of doo doo when you don’t have a Mercy and don’t use angles to your advantage.

McCree does like melee damage at max fall off. Zen can almost outheal it. Rofl.

Lol, just played a low Gold game yesterday.

Had one guy complaining that their DPS would do nothing to stop my Pharah and Mei.

Felt pretty good.

They had a Soldier, McCree, Zen, and Baptiste. So they kinda wanted me dead.

If you’re a McCree trying to take out a Pharah at max range then Pharah is either making your life a living hell for no reason at 105m+ or you’re a McCree who doesn’t see the Pharah whiffing shots and being a wasted pick at that range.

Long range Pharahs are hardly a problem.

What would you suggest for a buff?

An armor change. 150 health and 50 armor. She ends up broken, make the armor 25 instead.

Give her omnidriectional midair thrusts that use fuel and return her old rockets


I just mean that his suggestion would make McCree a lot weaker in the match up. It would be a substantial buff to her. Albeit, I am not sure about the logistics of the suggestion.

𓂀 Pharah ideas thread

Okay, armor helps against some heroes, not so much against others. McCree and Widow wouldn’t even notice the effect, would help a bit with Soldier. Is that the idea?

What are you talking about? She’s everywhere on console rn. I assure you, if the enemy team is having trouble expect them to switch to pharah and most of the time if your dps don’t play hitscan (or they just suck at it) you’ll lose.
Whenever i see an enemy pharah i cringe so hard, 2/2/2 is a pharmercy hell on console

If I’m not mistaken, a McCree will still be able to 3 tap body shot a Pharah at his effective range even with a 150/50 hp/armor split. It won’t really matter much if even at all to be fair.

Even if Pharah were to receive an equal 100/100 split, Cree would still be able to 3 tap body shot her if I’m doing my math correctly, a McCree who can hit headshots would also not see any difference.

The only heroes an armor buff would affect are rapid fire heroes like Soldier, Tracer or Sombra (already weak heroes) Pharah could use some kind of defense against burst damage hitscan.

But all that aside, I’d rather see Pharah either get a 50hp increase, or get 75-100hp replacement with shielding to allow her to be used without the need to run a pocket Mercy.


An armor buff would mostly just make Pharmercy worse as Mercy heals back the armor and bursting her down through healing becomes harder.

Maybe let her dash in the direction she’s facing with Jump Jets and lower the cooldown to 8 seconds, to let her fall to ground or move to a flank faster?