Actually I am, not once did I say the I wanted Echo to be a support. I said we needed heroes in both category’s, but nice assumption
Because you made it up
Again, putting words in my mouth and trying to argue against your own made scenario
No, they should prioritise Tanks and supports, and once we are in a better place for both enjoyment and queue time, then release as many DPS as you can imagine
Not what I said
Again, not what I said. Not even close to anything I was getting at
Another assumption you make about me which is completely false. I think any thread talking about “tears” and belittling others opinions with little to no logical arguments are toxic and useless. Both from DPS and support.
Because you keep shoving your narrative on other people? Hmm… Interesting
Figured you choosing “we have a tank crisis” as a title was intentional to point out how you’re primarily worried about how tanks as the primary topic. Guess it wasn’t thought out much.
Impressive effort with the quotes every sentence, though.
now I know everyone hates on echo but I don’t if we have about 3 supports 1 dps and 2 tanks when ow 2 comes out we are all happy tank an support will be even. dps will have a hero. also it went ashe bap then sig then echo. they probably did this for dps to still come back as no offense but that community is known to be a bit more uncooperative. so the latest heroes were 1 for each role. it was a while but yeah. and I feel everyone can play echo not just dps mains. everyone can play any hero when they want. I think we should be patient with Covid 19 and ow 2. now I think blizz knows people are leaving cause lack of content. I have been off and on on this game as well. we just have to be patient I hate to say it but it is true. also as a tank main you find your games super fast so I am not complaining much lol.
Fist of all ! Great post! I care a bit that the echo espeically is a dps… BUT I would not mind to main her as a hybrid if we did not have so bad queue timers. Also you dont need to say that to everyone whose telling you “jeff said…” you can just give them the Heroes of the Storm example. I am sure they had back then many heroes in development… BUT the game ended up in a trash can… soooo what did they do that all heroes? (except from putting them in their… ). They release 1 every 7+ months… Great argument from Jeff… clap… anyway… great post and lets all keep posting our negative view and feedback about their decision and you never know…
yes it does however i think is obvious and only to her so if you do like idk. I like this however with sigma he is an off tank but people think he is a main tank. so there will be backlash I feel if this is a thing
I think a lot of people are seriously underestimating how hard it is to design and introduce tank and support heroes. Come up with a unique kit that adds some new utility to the game, then if they’re too OP it’s not as simple as lowering the damage on a gun or making a hitbox smaller. There’s also the matter of if they’re making other champs too OP, if they’re making certain comps too OP, which dps have to be buffed because they’ve been made obsolete…
But if you actually read my post instead of making stuff up, you’d see that I primarily talk about how Tanks and supports are suffering and how the Tank queues are making the other 2 really high. But yeah, I can’t argue with someone who makes stuff up in their own head and then writes an entire response to themselves.
Thank you, I like to highlight when someone is being outright ignorant or stupid and respond to that exactly. Considering you have trouble reading apparently, as shown by your responses, I have to highlight my points to you
“DPS players need content too”
First they had 16 heroes to choose from to play/ to master. Multiple high-skill/low-skill with multiple playstyles while the support players are stucked with only 7 supports (Only 5 last week , umm 4 i mean since someone pick a support on your team too) and most of the supports are overnerfed…
Second: If they really wanted to give the DPS players something then they could have do some reworks… Like Cre’s, Pharah’s ult are still a big “aim here” ability, people were saying that those need some reworks or how about Soldier’s ultimate?
…But to release another DPS just so they can satisfy the DPS players… I mean they won’t be satisfied when they’ll have to wait 40+ min to play not even the new hero but their role…( On the PTR right now the average DPS queue time is 20+ at the very least).
To be fair, the only part that was “made up” my misinterpretation that you shared the belief. This was posted with a title that fit the exact same topic as a sea of threads full of people trying to mask their hatred over Echo being a dps as them being concerned about tanks, and it followed largely the same arguments as them.
There still are a staggering amount of them, and it’s evident that most of them are just emotional venting due to Echo being a dps and using any argument they can get their hands on as a crutch for it.
I still don’t believe most of these people actually care about the health of the game. They weren’t this outraged when Ashe came out. Though that’s understandable. Ashe wasn’t “their” hero.
It’s whatever though. Sorry for the misunderstanding ig.