We gotta fix Orisa and Winston

I am so incredibly sick of “Rein or lose”. I’ll grind up and eat my freaking video card before I play another round of Rein. I am SO SICK OF REIN. I don’t even like tanking, but I get stuffed into it every round, because nobody likes it but you have to do it to win.

We need other viable tank comps.


This does little to help the situation. What would help is proposing reasonable changes that won’t push Orisa or Winston over the edge. Fact of the matter is, Reinhardt is the de facto Tank, and he’s one of only two Anchor Tanks, and one of only three Main tanks. There’s little in the way of choice to begin with


Nerf Reinhardt’s Swings to 65 damage. Decrease Winston’s Bubble Cooldown to 10 seconds.
Increase SuperCharger to 200 armor health and give Orisa some mobility.

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You could find a Rein main and group up with them, or just play a off-tank. You don’t HAVE to play Rein, you could communicate with your team and tell them that you don’t want to play Rein but you would be happy filling another slot in the comp.

Or, you could just not play comp; there are plenty of other game modes out there. Browse the custom games, or play arcade mystery heroes.

Fix Orisa by fixing Orisa.
🐂 [Orisa] How to reduce Rein usage

As for Rein/Winston. You fix that by nerfing Brig. Also maybe by buffing Symmetra.
💎 [Symm] Primary Fire Shield Piercing

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I don’t really get what you mean. Rein isn’t that good and orisa is technically better at face-tanking with the cost of being slower/easier to dive, but Rein is hardly any better in that area (of not getting dove on) to the point where you can just barely notice a difference so…


You and everyone else mate.

Though I think the rein shield preference come down to stubbornness, more than some outlier alternative viability.

It’s not like you can’t play another “main” tank. People just seem to prefer the traditional rein 222’s for all its inherent staleness.

It seems rather counterintuitive to use buffs and nerfs to force something onto the playerbase when attitude/perception is the leading cause of the “issue”.

The way people latch onto metas. One single change could made rein unplayable, and people will be making the same topics about being tired of “insert hero x”.

Tldr the issue is manufactured and perception based.

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The shield people like but the reason he is meta is of course the CC ult that he brings.

80% of the time on Rein is spent getting into position and blocking, the rest is maybe you slam out his ult and kill a few and if your lucky get a quick boost+pin kill.

I agree, playing him well is tedious and boring. Its all about ult management and he has the best tank ult all around.

Honestly I will out play any team that uses Rein if I play Orisa. I do wish her ultimate wasnt so easy to destroy.

I think winston deserves a secondary attack. Something to do area damage and knock players back. It doesnt have to be crazy but his gun is so cool and it feel like we are wasting the option to have an amazing ability.

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I mean, I don’t think I inherently dislike playing Rein. I’m just so tired of it!

buffing winston is one of the worst ideas for shifting us out of this meta


I think fixing Winston will be more about nerfing Brig than anything else. The nerf she’s already getting might help.

I think Winston and Orisa are at least as powerful as Rein, but Rein synergizes with Zarya, Brig, and DVa, who are all really strong.

The problem is that you can’t buff Orisa or Winston. You just end up with 4-Tank meta or something ridiculous like this.

They need to reasses, rebalance, and probably rework half the tanks. They’re an absolute shambles of a class.

For such a strong meta, it’s mind boggling literally nobody even wants to play them. They’re just broken from the very foundations.

There are other tank options (Dive with winston for one) but GOATS pretty much shuts everything down.

But if you don’t want to play Rein go off tank

Nobody wants to play Reinhardt. You’ll just end up with 2 off tanks, then fail because the enemy have a Reinhardt.

Yeah, if you’re lucky. Or you’ll just be one off tank, by yourself.

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why does a ranged tank whose barrier protection isnt tied to her exact location need mobility?

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Winston doenst need any buffs, hes just not meta. A few months ago he was everywhere with D.va until Brig.

But poor Orisa needs something asap. She is so weak compared to Rein.

So she can get back from spawn in a reasonable time. There’s a reason people swap off her after 1st point defense