We got orisas dying in 0.01 seconds, bros!

5 players are not allowed to 1 shot naked tank even with a well time focusing fire.

They should have time to react and address 5 enemies at once

DPSwatch. That’s what has become of it.

Yeah and if your tank got stunned there was this thing, what was it… Oh yeah, a second tank.

It’s about time Orisa died in anything less than 15 minutes.

Pretty much this. If they are getting rid of every single oneshot mechanic in the game I don’t see why Widow should keep hers. It’s absurd and makes her a ridiculously strong pick.

And if for some reason she gets to keep it, her projectile size should be exactly the same as it was before s9.

This game is an absolute mess right now.

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In general, I’m fine with the tanks getting unique resistances added to them. Just something that would prevent them from being instantly deleted as that should be the benefit of playing the role.

People would throw a fit if Damage heroes couldn’t damage well, or supports couldn’t support their team. But tanks getting blown up is always met with “oh well, you should have known that’d happen”.

Its because she’s a sniper and is defined by her ability to snipe. If anything, she really should be the only character with the one shot on her m1. Regardless, removing widow’s one shot is a trojan horse; its not going to fix the game or any problem currently with it.

You’d remove her one shot, Orisa would still die in that same way due to heavy damage, and then what? We will have just made the game worse. Something we’re used to here, I know, but I don’t think we should continue it ourselves.

“You had abilities!” They say use Javelin Spin, but she used it to get out of spawn, they say to fortify, she had no chance to.

Damage is so spoiled now that anything they do is deemed as right, and anyone saying anything else is just “bad” and giving “bad takes”.

That’s why I was talking about this stuff since before 5v5 and OW2 beta were even announced.

✅ Next Experiment: 1-2-2 SoloTank

[OW2] Balance Design Blueprint

Why do you turn everything into a sniper hate post?

Widow broken
Reaper bad
Orisa dying in a 1v5

Well, I knew some people would be looking to blame the tank for any reason when they saw a full health Reinhardt getting healed by an ult with his shield out getting killed ultra fast and said “Uhh…why did he charage!? Duh, stupid Top 500 tank main who exclusively played Reinhardt just charged like a bot!”.

Idiots; as if he just charge into a bap window. He really had no options and thought, maybe, he could charge THROUGH the window and physically get in the way if the enemy team and their window. But no, I have paper plate ranked players telling me that the guy who knows Reinhardt better than all of us is just stupid.

Yeah, and if you notice, tanks have only died EVEN FASTER now. At least before, Reinhardt lasted long enough for some one to do something to save him. Like if Zarya had a bubble (I know she just used it), she could have bubbled him. And, of course he could have used his shield if he wasn’t stunned.

That’s what I’m talking about. That was a quick death, but it seemed more react-able to me. Tanks are dying too fast if there’s literally nothing they can do to just damage.

Welcome to the forums. Hazmat suits, disinfectant, and therapy available upon request.

I was talking about how Snipers, AntiNade and EarthShatter would be a problem in 5v5, since 2019.

And 2 years into OW2 development the devs have finally gotten around to somewhat addressing it. Despite gigabuffing Widow.

shudder She needs to not one shot most of the roster. I don’t hate her, but she’s got too much going for her right now.

Genji and Tracer are dominating pretty hard right now too, where’s the hate on that?

Here’s a copy paste.

Non-telegraphed instakills are a direct violation of Counterplay Design guidelines.

User blog:JAlbor/GDC 2013: Teamplay and Counterplay in League of Legends | League of Legends Wiki | Fandom

And other games get around that by offering universal counterplay against Snipers.

  • Nearly instakill assault rifles with no falloff (CounterStrike)
  • Players are downed, have a shield, can crawl to cover, and any teammate can revive them (Apex Legends)
  • The Sniper has the lowest health of any character in the game, no mobility escapes, and weak close range dueling outside of melee (Team Fortress 2)

Overwatch doesn’t have any of that.

So Snipers “should” be highly niche and not generalists. In a game where 92% of the characters in the game don’t have ranged instakills.

Once again, where’s the hate on the other DPS that are just owning the game right now?

Genji, Tracer, Sojourn specifically.

Because those characters don’t violate the core fundamentals of counterplay design.

Also because instakill poke, or overly durable Rush have too much downtime.

Which leaves Dive or Midrange Brawl.

But it’s difficult to do midrange Brawl without it becoming Rush.

So that just leaves Dive


Also, closer range glass cannons tend to scale well with ELOs.

It’s almost like the DPS mains whined so hard about counters in OW1, they removed them in OW2.

And that’s why this game will die. Dive is only fun for the team diving. No one wants to play into it, no one has fun with it, it’s just plain boring.

Sad, another example how bad this patch is.

Even still that was much too fast ttk. I like fast games as much as the next person but with ttk like this you may as well play r6 seige.