"We don't want people to people to have fun"

I’ve been playing Overwatch for almost a year and a half now and I remember really enjoying those early hours. Sadly I can’t say the same now, I just finished a match which is probably the best example as to why Blizzard doesn’t want me to enjoy their game anymore. It contained everything that is currently wrong with the game, some of the worse cancer I have seen, and no, it wasn’t toxic players (as much a Blizzard tries to convince itself that it is). No, I’m sick of how imbalanced the heroes are, I don’t even have to bring up which characters I’m talking about, the players know, so why not Blizzard. OH! I know why, they are just too busy talking about how much we love skins (really, they treat that as the highlight of almost every other update video now). I really just don’t know what Blizzard is expecting at this point, so many players have left the game now, I’m about to join them. In fact, I would be PERFECTLY happy giving up an event or two (and skins) just so the Overwatch team can seriously focus on balancing the game.

I guess as a side note, I’ve felt I have become pretty good at the game, so I’m not complaining about my deaths when I’m just bad. I haven’t played comp so I can’t prove that I’m good by sharing my SR, but take my word for it. At this point, TF2 is more balanced so I’m just going to go back to that game. The deaths felt fairer in that game, either I can easily see I got outplayed by a more skilled player, or I made a dumb move. I can actually acknowledge that there but in Overwatch, was it really that fair for that Mei to just wildly hop around and the only way for me to kill her in the VERY limited time that I have before I freeze is to have pixel perfect headshots and even then she’ll just use Cryo on a sliver of health, but before she manages that she’ll quickly raise an ice wall so I can’t escape…anyway, we’ve all been there so why go into detail.

I guess just one more thing that is bugging me is the Overwatch team’s hypocrisy. “Oh yeah, we nerfed Roadhog because we don’t want a tank to be damaged based” +D.va now has missiles “And we don’t want Roadhog to have instakill hooks” +Added Doomfist: The True Instakill Hero and literally almost every other hero!! Even Bridgette has an Instakill combo now! And don’t even get me started on them Buffing heroes and making them OP just so they can become apart of the Meta!!

There’s much more of this so I’m just done. Time to chuck this rant in the rest of forums about people getting frustrated at Blizzard’s latest title “No Fun, The Game”. Game of the Year, please.

Forum Moderator Note: It is specifically against the Forum Guidelines to call out Blizzard in the title of a topic, so I’ve edited it.


What is the source of your title’s quotation?

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When you complain about hipocrisy but are a hipocrite.


Saw a paragraph about Mei being strong so I stopped reading there.


So you’re an expert Quickplay player? And somehow this mode is the optimal place for you to base your decisions on balance?


No were, I just made it up in my frustration, but still, they may not say it with there mouths but man are they saying it with their “balance” changes.

Sounds like game fatigue to me. When you only play one game for a long time you tend to notice everything you dislike about it. Never put all your eggs in one basket every game is great but in moderation. Personally I assign my favorite games to a certain day of the week with wild card weekends to ensure I don’t get tired of any of them.

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This, this and so much this. QP is not a place to judge balance simply because it has nothing to do with it.

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OP misses the 6 torb comp. That was fun!

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This is where you lost me. You’re complaining about MEI of all characters? Mei? The one with so many counters? >.>

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Maybe your right, I think I’ll take a break from the game until Archives next week, but after the event, I will be done for awhile. Thanks for the advice.

What you should do is try competitive, its not the same as QP, at all.

To be fair let’s clear up your clearly deceptive half lies.

It’s perfectly fine for a low hp hero, who’s also pretty big so, easy to kill, to have a 1 shot ability, especially considering he doesnt have anything else going on in his kit except for mobility.

It is NOT, however, perfectly fine to have a 900hp hero, with armor too (yeah roadhog basically has 900hp cuz of his breather) to have a 1 shot kill. Its balanced when a 1 shot hero can be killed easily but not when a 1 shot hero is a TANK that’s hard to kill.

Same goes for Brigitte except that they nerfed her 1 shot combo potential that ONLY worked for 1 hero: tracer.

I’m all for your complaints about unbalanced heroes, but let’s stick with the facts here ok? Let’s not lose our credibility

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So your most played heroes are Junkrat and Torbjron, but you have problems with Mei? How is this working?

The amount of enjoyment you gain from this game is 100% depandent on you, I legit give no respect to people in soloq and that has made me gain a ton of SR and more fun in the game I have had in a while, also going vs jjonaks zen thought me how to flank as zen, your mindset is what mattered the most, when I only cared about my SR I was stuck low GM and not having fun with the game, but when I stopped caring about that and just tried to have fun, I did plays that are nutty because I str8 up don’t respect the people I go against and just go for those game winning plays.

This what worked for me, i’m sure you can find what works for you, but if you’re not enjoying what you’re doing, just stop doing it. Unless it’s like a job or something, that’s a different matter entirely.

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However, I do know Blizzard is pretty sadistic. I know from several personal experiences (though I won’t say what).

Expert in that 5 DPS comp.

Okay hopefully people will see this reply but I’m the one who made this post, though, I simply made it out of frustration for a bunch of matches I was recently in involving a lot of CC. I made it as a way to vent my frustrations for a game I love, I did not know that you can’t delete a post after a certain amount of time, so now I have to live with this. Sorry if the title was a bit clickbaity, but please don’t take any of this seriously, though, thank you for your interest and replies, I honestly did not expect anyone to find this post among the hundreds of other more revelent and honestly more worth while posts out there. So thank you for your time and attention, but this is literally just a rant made by some triggered loser on the internet complaining about a video game. Sorry for wasting your time and I hope you can get it back.

Are you talking about how Torb and Junkrat are my top two most played heroes? Cause if you are, then you are right. Although, I have been focusing a lot more on some skill-based heroes like Widow and Tracer. Those Torb and Junkrat hours are some of my earliest hours in the game.

No, you say you don’t want to have fun but you make the forums more about how the devs don’t do anything instead of actual discussion. They will never listen to the forums, these are for us, not them. So why not make the forums more positive instead of pointless negativity?

And junkrat and torb take skill, maybe not mechanical, but try playing torb on koth or attack.