We deserve communication on Symmetra

She is once again a hot topic on the forums.

To summarise:

  1. Her turrets were stealth nerfed from 40dps to 30dps (120 max DPS to 90 - essentially losing a turret’s worth of damage).
  2. Her beam decay was stealth nerfed from 4s to 3s.

There has been no comment from Blizzard. The “Known Bugs” list also does not comment on Sym. Does this mean these were intended changes, left out of patch notes to be disingenous?

Reverting these changes still doesn’t address the common concern regarding this hero’s flawed design in the new game.

She is still a subpar damage dealer, with far too much setup time required to deal competent damage. Symmetra is the only hero in the game where you cannot outplay the enemy - only outsmart.

The developer’s comments on why they reworked Bastion (see post here) applies to Symmetra, so it’s really strange that they haven’t come to the same conclusion for Sym.

Why is she not getting the attention she needs?

Jodie once said this:

So show us.


Good luck with that. Doubt we will see any real changes until the BP season is over. And even then it will probably be focused on selling the Battlepass and attracting whales.

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Symmetra support rework (because only support mains play her ofc) and a mythic skin :joy:

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This ! No chance of getting anything since Blizzars spirit is dead but i wish we could have info of why she got nerfed when she already was garbage.

Hopefully they put through a fix patch on Tuesday and revert the nerfs but I honestly doubt it :confounded:

We don’t even want changes necessarily, just having the Devs actually confirm whether or not the stealth nerds are intentional or bugs would be a good start.

Lies. It’s okay to believe it one time. Two times? Ookay, a stretch. 6 YEARS? Not a chance. Symmetra was never fine. This is all you need to know about how much she “means to us”.

They’ve proven time and time again how little they care :confused:
She really needs attention but they just keep slapping bandaid fixes on with mini reworks and small buffs.

Meh she’s still powerful. I use her when my pick or my team aren’t working out, pretty much a guaranteed w.

The fact that she received multiple nerfs despite being the worst performing dps in the entire game is just ridiculous. I just don’t understand why

Lots will factor into that though. Such as if you’re a console player (easy wins as Sym because console players are dooky, from personal experience) or if you’re in a low rank like gold

Either you are really good with her or you aren’t in a higher rank. Players who ignore her turrets greatly increase her pet and makes her auto win. Especially if they don’t learn. But if they clear her turrets immediately she needs her teams support to do much other than fire items that get easily healed through and avoided with walls.

I try to main Symmetra, but a large amount of the time I switch to Mei. I find she’s an easier win since she does good damage with no setup and is self reliant.

I play on console. I’m not that bad, but the lack of a mouse can make aiming a bit of a mess. Especially with how aiming feels weird in OW2. I had to completely drop Sombra, since I was basically doing no damage, until I get used to it. Lol

good riddance. syms turrets did way too much damage

Good thing you can melee them and they’re gone. Or do you find it hard to hit still targets? :pensive:

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I gave up on attempting to get anything positive for symmetra after I finished writing what was literally my magnum opus.

Good luck, though.

Hell, with Sojourn being so popular you better place your turrets well, her no-skill damage field eliminates them behind walls and from complete safety.

actually, if you make people look up with sharp unfamiliar verticals, it is really hard for them to hit and it completely disrupts their awareness, shot and movement.

this is how i play her, im not a support main, but was a torb main. And im finding a staggering amount of success with her. im sure i’ve bodied a few people that came to forums very confused that people are complaining she is weak lol.

faster TP was everything i ever wanted from her and im laughing daily that she’ll likely get buffed bc of the outrage.