We deserve an upfront disclaimer for "limited" skins

Hence why they won’t announce it.

If people knew they’d be sold again in future. Some might not buy it at the introduction price.

Limited Time =/= gone forever, you should look for those words explicitly stated. Sometimes they will say it’s available exclusively during a certain time frame as well, if it doesn’t state the word exclusively avaiable x date (with year) then don’t assume it will be.

Companies will often leave the door open in case they want to sell an item again. Watch out for it.

Nope. Not the case. Limited stuff comes back all the time. Companies use it for any items that won’t be on sale all year as a regular item. The time until it goes on sale again can be as short as months later or as long as never to be seen again.

I replied something similar to the below on another post of someone a little bit more… “passionate” about the skins, anyways:

I agree with OP, they should say something about the “limited time”.

First of all, I don’t care about the OWL skins at all and I don’t have them nor want them.

But this seems to be a “let’s make a quick buck with OWL items so the investors and sponsors see the OWL is profitable” kinda move.

Those skins should have remained exclusive and limited to people who made sacrifices to get them, whether be time watching the OWL (which for me it is a sacrifice since it sucks) or spent their hard earned money to get them when they were available.

If you think about it, Blizz can “print” money whenever they want, they just need to release new skins for popular characters (Mercy, D.VA, Tracer, Rein, etc). They can do it by direct purchase or via lootboxes and I can assure you they would be profitable.

Also aren’t the skins outsourced at this point? They can order a bunch in advance and sell them every once in while. And even if they made them themselves, they would still earn money.

Bottom line, Blizz can release an infinite number of new skins and make profit without touching at all any “limited” or “collector” skins.

This seems like a move in bad faith to the people that thought they were getting something special.

If everyone has the special skins, they stop being special.

(PS: This also opens the door to the “Pink” Mercy skin or any other, they can just add a charity or an arbitrary campaign name like “vault” and no one should complain right? Because if you do, you are bad person because you don’t want other people to have the same as you)

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Guess it’s a good time to learn this lesson. Never buy something just because you fear missing out. Ask if you genuinely want it (like, do you like the way it looks or what it could mean to you years from now). This applies for a ton of stuff. Impulse buying is never a good decision in real life or here. I don’t think you are childish for regretting it because you thought it’d be exclusive, however, if exclusivity is all you care about, maybe reconsider what you’re buying something for next time. Other people who judges you for a skin are shallow. Just like people who are stupidly obsessed with shoes thinking everyone cares when most of the world doesn’t care. You can buy it if it’s that important to you, but don’t do it because of others in any way.


You are correct that buying stuff with impulses isnt always a good choice. But thats not the case here.

I think that the term “limited” has a very different meaning depending on where you are from. In my region and country this term is clearly defined and everyone knows what to expect from such an offer. As i stated above, even the term in the menu “ends in 15 days!” is false advertising, its in the game, NOW.

I for myself would not have bought all skins at once if i had known that they will come back. Why didnt the 2018 skins came back in 2019? Or 2020? They were advertised as exclusives in the timefrime around the finals and these allstar events. And we are not talking about burgers here, we are talking about a small digital product. These skins are like coins or stamps, but in a much more modern fashion, i would call them “collectables”.

They already have my money, i wont get it back. And i will take this immoral cashgrab into account when i buy the next product from Blizzard. Maybe there will not buy anything from them ever again.

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I do honestly agree with this take.

I think skins should be readily available, but don’t false-market stuff to create fake demand

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It’s still limited. It’s not always available.

If you can’t find it, it never happened. The human brain is amazing at creating false memories that support ones already established beliefs.

That’s not how debate works. You don’t just “trust” someone, especially when they claim something was OFFICIALLY POSTED STATING SOMETHING and then they magically can’t link to it.

If you cannot link something from an official Blizzard source saying the skins would not return, it is absolutely asinine for ANYONE to believe it to be true. You misremember because your subconscious cannot stand to be wrong.

It wasn’t about any debate. What you quoted was about a different set of skins. Maybe read before texting. That’s how debates work :slight_smile:

No thx. Permaignored. You’re wrong and refuse to acknowledge it. Seek. Professional. Help.

Relax! All that just because I pointed out something evident in this post?!

If you’re so afraid to look like you just made yourself look like then try to be, at least, friendlier because you could be wrong and it would fire back, like it just did by me pointing out that you did not read!

I expect you to not want to bring up what you wrote about in your earlier comment now because I pointed out the way you did not read :slight_smile:
It wasn’t me who made you look like that. It was you

If you can’t play like an All-Star, might as well look like one!

The vault has reopened, and it has all your favorite Pacific and Atlantic All-Star skins! Grab them before it’s too late.

And the next time when they open the vault. And the other time. And later again. Dont forget it, before its to late.

To be exact, they did not say it will never come back. I’ve always stalked that page hoping for the possibility it might. So as a result, I remember very clearly it said they did not plan for it to come back at the time. Key words, at the time. They never said they would NEVER bring it back though. Just that right there and then there were no plans for it, which is different from no plans ever.

This makes it sound like that’s what they said the first time, but no. The first few times it was something like buy THIS OWL ticket to get THAT skin which will be a legacy skin which should mean that since the ticket won’t be available later then it won’t be coming back, and they did label the skins “legacy” which has one meaning, otherwise why aren’t the seasonal also labeled “legacy”? you know …
It did cost OWL tickets to get those.

I beg to differ. I was totally aware of all the possibilities and I also did like the skins (they look great for a reason), and most of the things that I ever bought (anywhere) that were planned to go unobtainable are still unobtainable, so buying things that are promised to be made unobtainable is something I’d still do.

However, this post is about asking for “upfront disclaimers” and is about integrity. One should speak up when these things happen.
Moreover about rarity, rarity makes things look better! If it’s not a skin that you see every week then it will look good! That’s how most humans’ brain work, even mine. It’s at least a factor.

All this is about pointing out seller’s conduct. I rarely use any skins. They were sitting around like the collectibles I had in boxes that I never showed to anyone because I don’t care for showing (at least in the past and present), just like the skins. This is about trade.

And, they didn’t lie though. They also use the words “limited time” to describe events (summer games) https://twitter.com/playoverwatch/status/1416797512581664769?lang=en (0:14).

Yes, this is what I meant by integrity. They only mentioned certain skins as not returnable (Noire and Sym/Genji). Sombra was also written in the fine print it would come back. Unfortunately, that is how the world is. It’s not that they deceived you but they put it in places they don’t want you to see. It’s the way media works and Blizzard is only one of thousands or more that do this. You should do research on it next time first. Also, no, rarity doesn’t make things better. I’d rather not wave something at someone to make them sad. What happened to the game being about everyone having fun?

Sadly, that’s exactly how tricks work in retail. You’re forgetting my keyword: “Upfront”
They didn’t say it could come back either while they know they should because they do that with things they could bring back, like the Demon Hunter Sombra skin.

Moreover, everything about the item(s) in question is presented in ways that would surely make them look like they will be unobtainable later, at least to many people! especially the ones buying them! Example is the word “commemorative” which they throw around in this kind of sale. So they should be at least aware that upfront disclaimers are necessary, and because they’re not stupid I think they are aware, unfortunately.

I’m hoping that your sentiment isn’t that that’s excusable. When these things happen it’s everyone’s moral obligation to point these things out.

It does, evidently. The human brain has to be changed for that to change. So it’s a fact, for now at least. I think even you value things based on rarity but subconsciously.

My positions weren’t regarding how the world and society works. No surprise that there are bad things in the world, and this topic is about pointing out the bad things rather than about saying “That’s how the world is. Let them do what they do”!

Why should it be on the expense of some rather than everyone then?

In short, this is about trade.

Well, no matter how you look at it. It is self centered to want things only for yourself because it’s exclusive. There are many things that are unique to you. You just have to look for them. Nothing said or done will morally justify wanting to keep things all to yourselves. The human brain wants a lot of things, and a part of being human is not succumbing to our innate desires. If we did, there would be mass crime. And I stand to my point. Rarity does not make you play better. You chose to put value in it because it feels good at hand without considering other factors that make it immoral.

I’m sorry if I misunderstood what you meant by upfront. I’m saying they did not lie about it and that it’s your responsibility to interpret what they mean using proper evidence. I also don’t mean it is justified if it was actually deception. However, I don’t think it was. It just means it is unplanned to come back, not planned to not be allowed to come back. It is, at the same time, how the world works, however. I’m also not saying it’s good to make it worse, but that it is what it is and the most we can make of it is try to educate ourselves. No one likes it in reality. I find it annoying to have to navigate around before being able to reject cookies on sites, for example. But we can’t do anything about it so we will have to do what we can to prevent it. Like with viruses on computers, there’s no use complaining that they exist. They do, so we have to take precautions to not download things that can corrupt our computers. That is our responsibility. Therefore, it’s not in the expense of other people if you were careful.

And no matter how you put it, no offense, if you gatekeep intentionally despite knowing how much it can hurt other people just for a boost of confidence, in my opinion, this is karma. We must learn to share as humans. I said it before and I will say it again. I got something more rare than these skins that was obtained by the same way but with a stricter time crunch. The contenders Mercy skin. I was very proud of myself that I got it even though most people procrastinated and missed out but I also didn’t want them to miss out. Yes, I was happy I got it in the case it doesn’t come back, but I also hoped others could get what they want if it’s what it took to make them express themselves in the game the way they want. When it came back, I wasn’t like “aww why did it have to come back but it said you had to watch this much in a certain amount of time and blah blah blah”. Just because you were given the opportunity to do something selfish, it doesn’t mean you should support it either (the ordeal with wanting skins only to yourselves).

We already can’t control many things about our physical identity (like unless you’re crazy and paying for way too many plastic surgeries). So, why make it hard in game too? If you call Blizzard out for being selfish maybe you should also consider what you’re doing is selfish. It’s also human nature to be greedy after all… If you say that justifies it, okay.

The Warcraft / Starcraft ones are the biggest overpriced scams.

But then they can’t churn these out anytime they need a cash influx!!

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