We can't have girls in OWL

The whole Drama with Undead? Don’t need actual women in the comp scene for pro dudes to have that kind of Drama. And we have gay men in the league, but that isn’t sparking any drama either. Keeping the league’s gender uniform isn’t going to make or break that kind of drama.


Reminder that Queen Geguri was harassed by Xepher (yes, that Xepher) and his team and that Xepher was one of the players who vowed to quit Overwatch if it was proven that Geguri wasn’t cheating and that Xepher was the ONLY one who didn’t follow through with quitting when it was proven she wasn’t cheating. Seoul better not dare pull him out when they play Shanghai.

To be fair, it kind of did. But that was XQC. We’re so blesst that Muma’s a fan fave


Assuming that all girls are “sensitive and light-hearted” is a sexist generalization.

Every girl I know is pessimistic as hell.


that’s… not what I was saying at all. That’s how you took it.

It was an example of something that wouldn’t work well/ get along together.

I want to see an all girl team.


I’d be happy just seeing 6 girls in the league tbh. I imagine it’s pretty discouraging to be good at the game and have to deal with with the kind of toxicity overwatch has.

So… you want some guys that dont want to play with a girl to be forced to play with said person?? Dont worry those people dont get far and if the girl is actually that good some other team will pick her up, or a group of really good girls would band up together and show them…

There aren’t that many pro level females and even then I would 100% think most of them wouldn’t wanna do it

If they do it for the money they could probably be more successful being a streamer so it has to be just for competition

She was called a hacker by like 3 people out of the entire comp environment, all of which left pro ow afterwards. However if you made this post in response to the recent problem in Contenders AUS region then you should probably clarify your post as to not sound like some random rant about what ought to be with little context or proof besides this is happening or happened and it shouldn’t happen.

Quality over quantity am I right?

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Dosen’t genguri also play at a high sensitivity though? I saw a few cams of hers and I’m telling you an investigation was at least warranted, of course they were able to confirm nothing was going on and to that I say good on her for actually being good

when there are more females good enough to be in OWL they’ll be there.

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what on earth are you talking about?

Here’s a relevant forum discussion asking girl gamers their thoughts on girls in OWL and gaming in general that’s definitely worth reading through:


Female opinions about their under-representation and its causes in OWL are very diverse, ranging from historical shifts to prevailing culture to widespread disinterest to social stigmas, and for a few even the notion that genetic differences are at play. The one recurring thread recounted in their experiences, however, is the almost universally discouraging online gender-specific toxicity they regularly encounter, ranging from awkward undesirable interactions to outright harassment. My impression is that gaming is in a transitional period where more girls are growing up gamers, but this demographic rise is beginning to intersect with a historically male-dominated sub-culture that is largely under-socialized for amicable relations with their female counterparts, thereby leading to hostile interactions that understandably discourage most girls, who must either learn to tolerate these problems, hide their gender altogether or eschew the more competitive arena simply to avoid unwanted toxicity. I think gaming and even society at large is in an incipient state where these gender dynamics are still playing out and will continue to develop and hopefully mature.

That doesn’t make any sense. I never said you weren’t a guy, I just thought it sounded weird that we were calling them “boys” and “girls” as if they were children. And my point still stands, maybe the guy was better.

well there are girls in contenders who are getting harrased because they are female by other male players

Reading this thread murdered many of many brain cells

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Actually every player of any rank or gender can face accusations of hacking.

Seriously that happens to everyone, that is not a girl thing.

This thread is genuinely silly

Plus on the matter of genguri or whatever her name is,
Remember she plays lwith high sensitivity. So on a kill cam it IS the kind of thing that’d garner a bit of suspicion male or female.