We as a community need to stop tearing each other down

As the title says.

If we really want the game to move forward, then we need to work together to find solutions. Prejudices and stigmas–against certain heroes or even entire roles–will only hold us back.

We have to stop dwelling over past incidents and move on. It’s good to learn from past mistakes, but hanging onto the anger that came with them can only be harmful and destructive. If we want to clearly see what needs to be done right now, then we need to let go of grudges.

Every role matters and deserves respect. NO HERO deserves to be “hated” in the sense where they or the people who play them are treated like dirt.

We need to stop reinforcing being “hated” as if it were a defining trait of certain heroes; it’s harmful, and brings misery upon their players. Same goes for any other prejudices against heroes, for any reason. Even some “popular” heroes have to deal with this sort of thing.

This goes for Brigitte, Genji, Moira, Doomfist, Mei, Symmetra, Roadhog, and ANYONE ELSE who has suffered some kind of stigma for whatever reason. These prejudices only serve to divide us further. Every hero on the roster deserves to exist.

Thank you.

Now, on that note, let’s get together here and try giving some kind and supportive words, especially to heroes who may not hear them enough. :heart:


Yes please
Some people act like you’re a bad person just because you like playing Doomfist or Genji or Hanzo and its really messed up, some people just like their favorite characters
We need to stop prejudicing people based on who they main. Like how Genji mains are seen as entitled, or Doomfist players ruin the game, or saying Brig mains are low skill. It’s terrible to turn the community against each other


I agree with everything you say, but there is an issue here. Different people have different ideas of what and problem is, or what the solution might be and because of that it is almost impossible to reach an unanimous decision that will please everyone. Also a lot of people are just not ready or don’t have what it takes to be this way, it’s similar to any kind of discrimination, some people are just that way and it’s not easy to get rid of.

That is sadly true. It’s impossible to make literally everyone happy with the game. Still, we can strive for the closest we can realistically get. It sounds like our feedback is being heard more lately, for one thing, so that’s promising.

As for toxicity, there will unfortunately always be some bad eggs out there. If enough people start actively trying to make the community a better, more positive place, though, hopefully the bad will seem much less prominent. :heart: We can do it

Precisely; liking a particular character does not somehow make you a bad person. It doesn’t make you [insert any other negative thing here]. It literally just means that you like that particular character.

By the way–

Doomfist is really unique, and seems challenging to play, so kudos to those who can

Hanzo’s weapon is extremely cool, and sniping people with projectiles is really impressive

Genji seems VERY FUN to play, with all the mobility and potential for surprising people from sneaky angles

Every hero deserves to be appreciated and recognized for their accomplishments

– Love, a Brigitte main :heart:

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I’m not sure this is true, but then again, it depends on who you ask, the ones who are satisfied or the ones who aren’t.

It’s true, but sadly anything that makes a slight inconvenience causes uproar

I mean… this can apply to the world too right now.

Speaking of the feedback thing, you know that thing about Reaper recently? Apparently, he didn’t actually get the new shotgun spread changes or something like that.

Well, yesterday, a dev actually showed up in a thread someone made about the issue:

It was really awesome, and I don’t know about anyone else, but it gave me even more hope. :star_struck:

I wish I could like a post twice. Couldn’t have said it better myself. It’s crazy that someone can get so much hate for their opinions, for playing a certain hero or even what profile pic they have. It’s childish and ridiculous.

Why can’t we just be nice and have civil discussions?

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