I will note, that there are specific circumstances where no penalties are applied and that is strictly with server crashes. From what I understand there were no server crashes last night, but instead a DDoS attack hitting key network providers that impacted our community. Unfortunately problems scale in size ranging from the common end user problems, to ISP issues, to undersea cable cuts, to malfunctioning HUBs, and so on. I believe Blizzard struggles with finding the best possible balance for all players and for all situations, all while working to keep Competitive Mode balanced in terms of matchmaking.
As I have said before on many occasions, there are no perfect answers to these issues, but I do believe they are looking at the best possible ones for all the factors that involve disconnections, crashes, server issues, and serial leavers to maintain the best possible Overwatch experience for everyone.
I do try to challenge these perceptions whenever I can get the chance, but I trust Blizzard that they are making the best possible decisions.