Server Maintenance begins at 6PM PDT for an estimated 1 Hour window. This announcement mentions that they plan on rolling out an aforementioned fix for the WPP bug during this time! Additionally, it’s been confirmed that mostly PlayStation players are experiencing this issue. Oh, my, GOD… finally this fiasco will hopefully be over soon
Ho my god awesoooome! I really want to try my D.Va EDM
Wohoo let’s hope it works!
Lol they’re planning to look into the queue times over the weekend…
So they don’t have a fix for broken matchmaking
I can’t wait to get all my rewards from the WPP!!
Fun can’t even play over the weekend
Hey, my sister still hasn’t got hers while I have? She purchased hers before me, while the overwatch 2 beta was out, ( 2nd time, console ) i bought it to play the beta with her. Why is she not getting hers still?
What’s the issue? She feels like she’s being punished because she’s had nothing but issues since launch. She had lost all cosmetic items and gold weapons before, but you fixed that. And now this.
Please tell me you can fix this? I find it highly unfair. We have played together since 2018 ( i started in 2k18, her 2k16 )