I already know it’s going to happen and when it happens I’m not gonna be surprised to be honest. The community doesnt like symmetra so they will throw a fit if she gets more screen time and blizzard will nerf her to keep the OWL viewers happy. Can’t have a hero like symmetra being played over flashy Widowmaker can we?
It’s really easy to forget how powerful that her teleporter can be when teams never use it on ladder
i doubt shes going to get nerfed but hopefully this will shut the people who beg for her to be buffed up
Yeah its called Brig’s nerf, that is less HP buffer from her repair packs.
I doubt it because she is hot garbage on ladder. And the reason she’s good on league has absolutely zero application on ladder.
If anything they’ll get listened to and she’ll be changed to not be so ridiculously team dependent.
Meanwhile Brigitte hasn’t been picked at all but is getting nerfed anyway lol
Or. She gets popular and gets a golden glove.
Remember this is the same balance team that was going to give McCree 250 HP.
?? Why are you trying to insinuate that them testing a balance change and then not putting it live is bad, LOL? Are they supposed to not test experimental changes?
The community has been asking them to make faster, more interesting, and more aggressive/risky balance changes for a while now, or to at least test them on PTR and then if they suck not put them live, and that’s literally what they did. And you’re trying to say that’s a bad thing? Wowee
We asked for fast not stupid.
mei saw a lot more play time
Mei is definitely gonna get looked at. 60%+ every game played had her in it.
she was mirrored almost every match, except that one match towards the end when toronto went for a doom fist/ sombra combo
That’s how it is here. I just sit back & watch.
Sym is one of the more fun heroes to watch pros play simply because they can use her to her highest potential. Surefour bait Paris out with a decoy teleporter on Horizon while they went the opposite side was a big brain strat.
Symm only works if you’re a pro level team who scrim together for many hundreds of hours.
Expecting symmetra to work on ladder at this point when she’s been balanced for owl and the coordination that exists between pre-made teammates is a foolish desire.
I don’t use teleporters half the time because they get you killed, at least in quick play.
Sym was literally a teleporter bot?
Did any team actually keep her past the first 2 seconds of gametime to set up the teleporter?
I do because when they work they are so beautiful.
Look at this beauty lol