Watch as these tank buffs get rug-pulled 1 by 1

It’s bait. Calling it. I don’t even know what the buffs are, but it’s a life-support measure, and will be reverted soon.

As long as I get to keep my shoulder check of justice, I ain’t even care, cuh. Do what you must!

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If I’m being honest, I fully expect they will half revert like 1-2 changes and then just buff the underperforming tanks once again to keep up with the ones who benefitted more from this patch. I’m fully expecting them to quadruple down on this.

I’m glad you’re having fun. I’m just being a negative nelly so I can say “told you so”.

If I expect nothing, I will never be disappointed. (who am i kidding, i’m disappointed all the time)

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That strategy does not work. I have been disappointed after expecting nothing. It’s a myth intended to keep the masses down.