Wasn’t Mercy last change in January?? and she hasn’t had any changes since then right?? except the voice line revert… So why are people whining and crying about her again? These forms echoed the words “shes fine”, and “balanced” and that “she in the best place shes been in”… So how is she OP now, without receiving any changes?
inb4 pickrates; that would Zen, Zarya and Rein also need nerfs.
Meta change without hero buffs. D.va wasn’t changed for a while before Dive really took off. It’s just people figured out how strong old DM was.
Because she’s been the only viable MAIN healer for 6-7 seasons now. It’s getting old.
Because resurrection as an ability. If they left her alone before the invul buff she would be fine.
Because she’s viable in another meta.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
It’s not like nerfing her is going to suddenly make Ana more viable in the meta.
Because people love to blame Mercy just because…
It’s not like ppl don’t do this with D.Va every few months ad infinitum ;;
because people think nerfing is the solution to everything instead of buffing heros like ana and giving us more than one option for a solo and main healer
Seems like it. They act as if she created the meta. when it was Brigitte and Hanzo.
The herd mentality is strong here. A few “Nerf Mercy” threads were posted recently and suddenly there was a new such thread every hour for a week. Soon the forum will move on to another Nerf of the week topic.
So when mercy the consistant main healer gets nerfed to the ground magically no one will run Zen and lucio
Mercy and Zen are the only two heroes who were top-tier picks in dive comp and the current OWL meta and the current Competitive meta.
Unless Symmetra 3.0 somehow breaks that streak, I see no feasible scenario where Mercy and Zen aren’t in line for another round of nerfs.
This^. Nerfing Mercy isn’t going to suddenly make Ana strong.
yea… people talk about power creep but i feel like always nerfing and never buffing will have some sort of negative too, like, reverse power creep, i cant exactly tell what the negatives would be but they will happen
check out the video “Analysis: Why We Should Buff More Than Nerf” for some potential examples of what will happen if everything is nerfed into absurdity
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Although she’s buggy, Sombra makes Lucio completely ineffective. She shuts down he healing, speed boost, wall ride. He can only primary fire.
Zen also becomes dead in the water since he loses shields.
Lucio cannot keep Zen viable like Mercy can.
Sure people might go back to running Lucio/Zen, but with Lucio now having a counter that makes him dead-weight, he becomes a risk.
Level 3 User at your service.
thank you… the no links thing is really silly, just let us put the text at least!!!
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Hopefully. I can’t even think of another thing they could remove. shes already borderline boring (to me atleast)… just leave the little angel alone.
I mean before they were using her as an emp bot now her value is sorta in hack but the bugs make it hard to utilize so he arguably could be used
Oh I know. I played a game and watched it rot over time… they’d nerf something, something else would become meta and they’d nerf that… by the end of the game. people were only using two different types of weapons become everything else was bad.
I really hope OW doesn’t do that. but really it already happened Ana got nerf which put mercy in meta and then mercy got her rework and nerfs. instead of buff the healers.
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