Was the Mercy rework a Success?

LMAO, usually (preinvuln) mercy would leave the team without a main healer. Insta win- pASS.
Rez was easily countered by SKILL and ULT ECONOMY. Something you never come across nowadays

Except it didn’t. Good Mercy players didn’t hide and wait for a 5 man, they tempo rez’d. 5 man rezes were rare and saving rez for a teamwipe was horribly inefficient.

She could hide it will be nightmare to find her because could be anywhere hiding waiting her teammate to die so she can revive them all, with invuln or not, sorry I don’t want to play hide and seek with mercy EVER again.

Hide and seek is a myth dps players used to make an excuse for being frickin lazy to find the mercy before hand. She cannot hide too far as she sitll needs to fly in. Also she has to hide way more now (if she eve did in the past) for way less value and that is not fun. Its pure bs.

Garbage strategy that only worked against garbage and incompetent teams.

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If Mercy is hiding, she’s not healing her teammates and it should alert your team on what they are planning to do. Ult economy is a big counterplay to mass rez the problem was teams threw everything and the kitchen sink at the enemy team before the rez.


If she’s hiding, you get to fight a 6v5. If she manages to fly in and rez all 5, your team still has the positioning advantage. Hide n rez was neither common nor effective.

Let’s not forget that hiding puts your team in a 5v6 situation meaning that any competent team can wipe the hiding mercy’s team without expending ultimates unless to counter an ultimate.

Hide and seek is a meme. You wanted to find Mercy? Literally just stand on point and she’ll come flying in, then you can shoot her. Or hook her. Flash her. Hack her. Etc, etc. Of course, my point is completely moot and pointless since people hardly even cared enough to track and kill Mercy. Or heck save an ult to punish her ult.

“Heroes never die!” -“Die die die!” Mercy just wasted her ult.

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Garbage Mercy player pretending to act like they know how to efficiently play Mercy. What’s your point?

Sure, when you cherrypick an example where it happens to work out, it looks strong. But that happening outside of 2CP last defense was extremely rare.

Yep, a smart team would bait out the rez then use ults to clean up.

You never mentioned counterplay, and these ults “require one button to kill [an] entire team WITHOUT strategy or effort”.

You could add
Genji Draginblade
McCree Deadeye
Soldier Tactical Visor
Hanzo Dragonstrike
Doomfist Meteor Strike
Pharah Barrage
and many more ults that could clean up after res easily.

But no that requires too much brain activity so lets complain and get the most loved hero in the game reworked and nerfed 13 times

I found you something you might want to consider.
Happy reading !

Regardless of the counter or not, if 3 players combo’d their ultimate to kill the enemy team then they deserve to win because teamwork, why should mercy have one button to delete all their work and destroy every possible way to win after ALL their ult and work gone into the air.

The current one is fine it encourage her to stay near teammate and make her more reliable on her teammate so she can’t abuse SR system like before to climb by one trick.

Mass rez will never come back, mercy mains can make thread every day about it as long they want, dev will not revert something that was legit OP before even with tweaks, I hope dev unlock that mercy megathread so we can see less mercy thread on the front page.

“They deserve to win because they pressed one button. Why should the enemy delete their ‘work’ with one button?!”

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If you read the post Arc linked you, you would see that HideNRez meant leaving a team 5v6, which meant easy win for the 6 member team (WITHOUT spending ults unless they are some potatoes).

Also sorry, couldnt hear that? Abuse the SR system? This bug was fixed ages ago.
I think devs will eventually revert mercy and change her up a little. As hopeless for us mercy players the situation may look, continuing this path will lose them a lot of players (Symm,bastion,torb,mercy and whatever hero they rework). And with less players, less money. As the 30$ lucio emote showed us, they care mainly about money

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Yes, she was so OP that she saw almost no tournament play outside of pharmercy on some control maps.