Because I’d much prefer to play against old Mercy than this abomination. Not to mention old Mercy’s ultimate could actually compete with Zenyatta’s.
Why couldn’t you wait for Moira before you reworked her into this balance abomination. Seriously who thought putting the proper use of rez on a 30 second cooldown was a good idea.
Old Mercy was easily balance-able and it wasn’t even a balance issue.
The reason she was so unfun to play against is because of Invuln, revert that and you’d be good as when she rezzes her full team she’d likely die in the process thus leaving them at a massive disadvantage.
Hell she was also in every game because Ana sucked… like really sucked even at GM. If Moira was released she would have had some competition with Moira at lower elos.
But no, they decided to make Mercy an atrocity of balance. They removed what made her a support icon.
Of course it wasn’t. If it was a success we wouldn’t have a billion posts about “revert Mercy.”
Was prerework Mercy more balanced than now?
They called it a success, because they have no clue what they’re doing lmao. I guess it for a feeling of self-success or something. or maybe to feel better about themselves after spending money and time on a an abomination
Yes, she didn’t have any competition tho
If you look at the pro scene at the time the meta was Lucio+Zenyatta every map.
Also look how her pickrate is far higher in GM than anywhere else in current version.
Problem is lucio was gutted along with ana. 1.0 mercy will still be top pick unless they revert some of those nerfs as well.
I don’t agree that because she’s lower skill, she should be worse than other supports. but when her pickrate is highest at GM, and lower in silver/gold where people should be most comfortable playing her, it’s an obvious issue.
Lucio gutted? No that wasn’t until the ultimate change which he’d probably still have been meta against old mercy.
Welp we talking about people who made mercy invincible when she use her old ult, how can you expect anything good from this game?
No, but Mercy before wasn’t good either.
short answer: no
long answer: noooooooooooooooooooo
So with today’s Nerf, do you think Mercy pickrate will be less than prerework Mercy?
that’s true. Mercy’s 1.0 issue was her incredibly powerful ultimate that could have been nerfed to something like 1 rez ultimate easily.
Current mercy has so many problems because of that exact rework that was meant to fix her.
She’ll have some competition but 10 months of a completely overtuned hero doesn’t scream success to me.
Also the future is extremely foggy, she may still be top-tier since all the previous times we said she’d be dead she wasn’t.
Do you think the devs should have nerfed Mercy faster?
Wait you realy think being able to rezz team was op on its own? XD
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Yes because there is no more hide and seek with her.