Was Mercy's Damage Boost Rework Beneficial?

Ok just imagine you was very good at mercy at healing everyone and boosting mccree then fly to boost sigma then boost ashe then healing everyone and rez the someone who dead and kill the one who dive on you but then you didn’t win because the enemy mercy stick with ashe and didn’t heal the rest of her team or even rez one of them

I’ve been in forums for a long time, most of mercy mains hate to pocket one person all time also they called it (dps slave) and most of mercy mains i met in the game hate it too

That’s why i want her healing to get buff and the damage boost be limited

Hahahah No she is currently balanced

but a rework to make her more proactive like with making rez a more of a precaution then a mistake fixing button. Would help the core issue of her being a tad borring.

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She isn’t actually
In high ranks all supports are better than her except poor zenyatta

Mercy need to be a main support again with limited damage boost and fix the rez and make the valk more like an ultimate

Well considering that in grand master she is the third most played support behind ana and lucio with a 53% winrate, she is doing just fine at higher ranks.

Even then she is tide with the second highest healing with baptiste in general she is doing just fine all things considered.

also all info comes from overbuff competitive

It was a universal change to damage boosts, not a Mercy specific rework like the title implies. It was introduced with Baptiste which is not a coincidence.

I honestly think they forgotten about Mercy when making the adjustments, since that was more for the benefit of Bap’s ult than the mechanic of Damage Boost as a whole.

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I get what you’re saying, but for projectile weapons, all the change did was change the timing of when you’d leave/return to your Pharah/Junk.
This change didnt make boosting more time efficient or effort efficient, it just changed the timings and made it impossible to boost half of all things now.

I wouldn’t know if it was beneficial because as soon as I damage boost, my target suddenly forgets how to play.

The argument of “The Mercy who sticks with Ashe wins over the Mercy who heals her team” is an incredibly flat argument and has a lot of background things going on.
Mercy cant pocket without her other support being able to heal alot, aka, you cant just pocket your Ashe and leave your team with your Zen and go “The Mercy who pockets wins!” …because your whole team will most likely die.
Also, the empty argument of “The majority of Mercy mains hate damage boost, trust me!” is utterly pointless, and ultimately it just sounds like you’re trying to justify why you want to change a character to perfectly be what you want rather than play a different character🤷‍♀️

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How about buffing her without nerfing her too?

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Honestly I think a great QoL change would be to combine both damage boost versions together.

So you can boost after the shot has been fired AND the boost stays after it has been applied to the projectile.

It would open so many more opportunities to push the blue beam.

Perhaps they could just give Mercy more QoL changes in general, like:

  • The damage boost version I suggested above

  • No beam disconnection upon activating valk

  • A 0.25s leech on res cast time (similar to Sombra’s old hack where it you finish if you went out of range/line of sight and it would still finish the cast if there was only like 0.25s left)

  • hybrid GA prefers beam target

  • let Mercy’s beam disconnect during res after the 1.4s it takes when the target is out of line of sight

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It strongly depends on how you played Mercy.

If you pocketted a DPS, especially a Pharah, then it was a significant buff. Phara in particular has a pretty solid tell that she’s about to start shooting. Like if pharah uses her jets, means she’s gonna start lobbing rockets. If you start pocketing her right when she hits shift, she can fire off 2-3 boosted rockets before return fire comes in, then Mercy can start healing the return fire and those 2-3 rockets will remain boosted regardless. Previously, you could end up losing the boost on those 2-3 rockets because they hadn’t landed yet but you’d started healing.

If you instead weren’t pocketting a DPS and trying to run Mercy as a main healer, the boost change was a significant nerf. No longer can you listen for the sound cues for Fire Strike or Dynamite or whatever else and swap to boost for 0.5s after the ability left the hero’s hands and provide a surprise damage spike. You can’t read your teammates minds and they aren’t going to call out Firestrike and Dynamite and Storm Arrows and FB + FtH combo or any of that stuff, which means Main Healer Mercy is gonna miss boosting almost every high impact ability because she’s healing 90% of the time you can’t boost them in flight anymore and she won’t boost them by accident because she’s not on boost.

I personally used to go for the Main Healer play style for Mercy so the damage boost change was largely unwelcome.

to OP: I don’t feel that such a change to Mercy’s damage boost is substantial enough to wear the glistening crown of “rework”, but rather, the smaller bowler hat of “slight buff.”

No. I’ve said when this change came out that this will take skill away from damage boost and make her more of a pocket bot. Not being able to reactively boost projectiles and certain abilities like hook, booster, Winston Jump, dynomite etc makes it essential basically that Mercy stick to one target and damage boost them continuously.

Nobody believed me and look, it’s season 21 and Mercy is a pocket slave through and through.


There are about like 50 000 threads mega threads and reddit posts and youtube comments basically anywhere one can share their opinion about a characters situation and it’s overwhelmingly negative towards pocket playstyle but whatever makes you happy I guess.

Hey you know where your argument falls flat? The minute you thought using Mercy/zen was a viable option in any scenario.

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Still not a big fan of it honestly, but its what ever. I preferred the old method for QP purposes because there isn’t communication like “i’m going to fire strike” or “dynamite is about to go.” I mean I don’t recall even hearing that sort of stuff in comp (Plat range, which I shouldn’t expect much but I don’t hear it in anyone’s streams at higher ranks either).

It didn’t really matter for things with a high fire rate or basic fire, but for slower fire/cool down abilities, it does suck if you don’t know about it ahead of time. Can be great if your target is saying they are about to do something or if it has a wind up time (such as rocket punch), but otherwise…it made it marginally worse.

Was an example with an obvious conclusion🤷‍♀️
You can only hard pocket when you have a Moira, and the lower you go down the healing chain the less you can realistically pocket.
I wish they would revert the damage boost change, it doesn’t do anyone any good.

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You can easily hard pocket with Ana and Baptiste as well. If you are playing Mercy with Zen, Lucio or Brig then you are just not playing a good support duo. So yes, ofc if you pick two off healers you can’t hard pocket. What is meant by pocket mercy wins is that if you play her as a main heal you’re more likely to lose rather than if you play her as a off support/pocket. They are describing the most optimal way to play her, not telling you to just pocket in every situation.

I feel like “spot the smurf” is a nice skill to learn tbh