⚠ Brigitte is not OP, but she needs some re-balancing

And what I’m saying is as a hero in general she’s useless if she can’t counter Tracer. I’m not saying they should nerf the CD but it’s the only thing that they could nerf that wouldn’t make her garbage and even at that they’d have to be careful about just how much they nerf it because something like the 10s CD McCree has would kill her.

She will not be useless against Tracer with Daze instead of Stun.
Dazed Tracer will move with only 10% of her speed and both her Blink and Recall will be locked. Brigitte will be able to perform her combo, it will just require slightly more aim skill because target will move very-very slowly instead of staying still.

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I guess as long as it blocks recall but no hard stun on enemies means she’d be very easy to kill at the range she has to fight, If she were to attempt that combo against most of the roster they’d probably be able to hurt her more than she would them.

I think it would just be generally better to adjust how her bash interacts with certain heroes as necessary if people really find it to be that broken, I’m still waiting for comp so we can see where she actually falls in an organized setting.

What? I REALLY hope she’s useful outside of being a Tracer counter because she performs very poorly as one. I have had legit no problem with Brig as Tracer, and I’m not even good. I’m not bad, but certainly not good. The only Tracers she’ll kill are the ones that make a mistake and get close to her while unaware of where she is, or bad Tracers that get rekt by flashbang, Hog hook, random Junkrat spam, etc.

Brigitte has ample tools to deal with Tracer and get that combo off, unless they’re awful and letting the Tracer kite them around it isn’t too hard to corner Tracer and force a mistake on her end.

Corner her? How? I can’t imagine any circumstance where a Brig could manage to corner me. She has no range pressure outside of a boop that pushes me further outside her effective range.

If a Tracer it really determined to kill me as a Brigitte all I have to do is turn a corner, go into 3rd person, and wait for them to be stupid enough to follow me.

If a Tracer is trying to kite me I can drop the shield a bit to pressure them toward map geometry where they aren’t looking and catch them like that, if they run then it’s not my concern.

You can also make them play super cautiously around your back line since if she goes for your other healer you can catch her off guard.

2 things.

  • She shouldn’t be able to stun Reinhardt through his shield. Having a Brigitte on the other team shuts down all of Rein’s abilities making him useless. He is his shield through and through, and the fact that an enemy Rein can cast his Earthshatter during that downtime messes with the shatter-counterplay that Reinhardts live for.
  • Her 3rd person POV should be smaller to accomodate for her smaller shield. This is a small change but it goes in line with her role of frontline-support she’s supposed to be carrying out.

Well how it goes for me is like this.

I will never be incredibly determined to kill a Brigitte. She is a hard target best left for clean up, soft targets always come first. I’ll dump clips into her at range for ult charge and distraction, force her to turn her shield away from my team, but that’s it.

I’m not too sure what the shield drop tactic while being kited his hoping to achieve. I’ll kite you tons, that takes you away from your team, keeps your focus on me, and reduces your overall contribution to the team drastically. If you pull too far away from your team I’ll run around you and drop clips into people.

If you’re babysitting your backline your providing weak healing and no damage, that’s a win for me, and I’ll continue to operate around you seeking out soft targets or ult charging off tanks etc.

The shield bash range is 6m IIRC. Blink distance is 7.5m and I know that distance off by heart. Melee finishes and what not. It’s no problem whatsoever for me to keep you within my effective range (below 11m) while outside of your shield bash range (6m).

Moira is more of a threat, imo, than Brig. Brig is just harder to kill. Brig messes up my teammates WAY HARDER than she does me, and if she’s chasing me around that works for me. It’s kind of ridiculous how tunnel visioned some of the Brigittes I’ve played against in QP can be when it comes to me on Tracer. I assume they have a score to settle.

Dropping your shield makes you move faster (You still hold it up to block shots), if the tracer is backing into a wall you can do it to try and force a mistake but you shouldn’t be chasing them across the map, that’s just silly.

I have zero issue when I fight Tracers as Brigitte, just don’t get baited and stick with the team and you can generally make their lives a whole lot harder.

Ah yeah I can see that working on some. I always have escape plans and such.

One thing I will admit is she does make the job a little harder. The comps that arise around here are really what gives me the problems on Tracer, not really her herself. I’ll often go Soldier to deal with it if I’m getting zoned hard and such.

If I can say anything it will be don’t consider Brigitte as a sort of hard Tracer counter. To a really good Tracer it won’t work like that. You’ll just delay the inevitable in a sense. I find too many people around here hop on this “oh it’ll put Tracer in her place” bandwagon when really it doesn’t work like that. Great example is recent Sombra, and JUST like I said, mets became dive + Sombra (on certain maps). Sombra didn’t force Tracer off the Tracer pick. She was just ran with Tracer.

While a small healing buff might be Ok, I think Brigittes output overall is pretty reasonable.

In a typical match with Moira, I’ll do 10k healing and 7k damage. (Thereabouts)

With Brigitte, I’ll do 5k healing, 5 k shielding, 3k armor, and 5k damage.

So in terms of raw numbers, with Moira I’m putting out 17k in healing and damage to Brigittes 18k in healing damage armor and shielding.

Now obviously these numbers fluctuate based on team comp etc but I’ve never gotten the feeling while playing Brigitte that she doesn’t do enough.

Or that she does too much tbh.

Once she’s available in competitive, I think people will start realizing how situational she is. I think she needs more ways to trigger inspire, that’s a good suggestion.

But increasing her raw numbers feels like the wrong direction to me. She’s a brawler who thrives in close quarter 1v1 scenarios and gets exposed vs targeted fire.

I think she should keep that aspect of her.

i didn’t know that winstons jump will stun you

I made some suggestions earlier, read the post here:

Her Self-heals and Stun CD is overtuned.
I’d say her damage is too but if they can nerf the top 2 issues, MAYBE the damage won’t be an issue

Can you not suggest turning her further into a tank? The daze idea is interesting, if you can polish it then maybe it’ll be a good alternative for the stun otherwise I think just +2~3 seconds to it is enough.

She is an Aura healer like Lucio though but the difference is she has to trigger it by fighting in melee distance while Lucio’s is just turned on whenever and can be boosted. However, Lucio self heal is 12.2 per second while 16.5 to allies and brigitte is just 16. Maybe they can do the same thing by reducing the base self heal since she also has armor and a shield?

this is opposite of what I’d do

Her healing needs to be better, while her tankiness and CC needs to be worse

I support the barrier shield option.
At moment, it still feels a bit buggy. I have taken direct damage from a junkrat grenade, and pharrah rocket that hit my shield directly as brig (not on the side, but literally near the center of the shield). Hopefully by reshaping it slightly, not as a buff, but as a bug fix way, will help make it consistent.

Shield bash: I’m neutral on this change, but more for against it.
That 90% decay over 1 second, it will probably render her ability useless, if the daze was a bit longer, say 2 - 3 seconds, I’d probably be more for it, especially as this change would allow the enemy to keep attacking, and probably kill, a member of your team.
Your current proposal for this change makes it feel too weak IMO.

Whip shot. More against this change, on its own it feels weak, but it also has the ability to be powerful too - especially paired with the shield bash.
If it could ‘stack’ with the shield bash. I’d maybe make the shield bash daze 1.5 - 2seconds, and the whipshot adding 1 second.

Inspire & repair: I like the idea, but will remain neutral.

Rally: I’m against this change. Her ultimate already feels a little weak (There are situations where it feels strong now though) - as it is now, it does feel a bit balanced. However, this is based on QP.
If in comp if it starts feeling mandatory / OP, I would support this change to her ult. However, I thinking waiting to see how she affects comp, before changing her ult is the way to go.

I agree. I did not changed duration only because I was not sure it it would be okay. In fast-paced FPS games every second matters and because of that it is kinda difficult to tune slow duration without proper testing.
And yeas, Daze from Bash and Whip should stack duration. Maybe 1.5 seconds on both will be enough.