War is OVER! Thank you!


The devs had some aim training, cuz they HIT the mark with these!


but now she can clap you through shields and ur team mates at any time. ur no longer safe sitting behind rein or sig. and close-medium range she does more dps with her primary. and she gets off more shots with her ult due to faster charge.

net buff imo

EDIT: i cant read, she cant shoot through barrier.


it doesnt go through barriers though only people and buildables, like turrets, for example

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just had a look, thanks for correcting me lol. my bad.

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Doesn’t the railgun do 2x damage on crit? So that still is 200 damage per headshot full charge. Can’t one shot anyone except tracer and widow now?

No, her headshot multiplier is at x1.5 for some time now.

They did that when they removed the one-tap without the Mercy pocket.

The highest she’ll deal without dmg boost is 150 on head.

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Can’t one shot anyone at all. Railgun is not 2x multiplier

Slightly off topic, but do you remember when Sojourn was obviously overtuned, and people were hellbent on making that Mercy’s fault? Situations like that taught me to be very skeptical of opinions on this forum.

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When your favorite hero is blatantly overperforming, you’d take any opportunity to shift blame and scapegoat a different hero.

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Lmao and then they acted like the 5% dmg boost nerf saved the entire planet when most ppl still can’t tell the difference to this day :sob::pray:

Based on the new patch notes, Sojourn will need to land a lot more head shots to secure a burst kill with these new numbers. Primary fire = 9 damage per hit, and only the first 9 bullets shoot without bloom, so the most she can deal with at short / medium range with no bloom linear burst is 121.5 (primary fire head shots) + 150 (railgun head shot) = 271.5dmg with just headshots.

Oh yeah, these Reaper buffs are so great. They really address his issues. So glad that the enemy only has 2.7 seconds to react to me TPing instead of 3 seconds.

Oh and Sojourn got two buffs for that 1 nerf. Same with Cass getting massive buffs with only slaps on the wrist for his nerfs.

Size matters, and a 30% damage loss on the rail gun shot takes many non-tank characters out of quick kill burst range. The old railgun could deal 195 damage on a head shot, 150 body. Now it’s only 150 head shot, 100 body.

Cass/McCree’s nade now hinders for only 1.2 seconds without tracking, so it will now have a much shorter range compared to its old incarnation.

It also can hit more than one target every time. You can now x5 it’s damage output outside of her ult. She also shoots faster which I currently don’t feel like doing the math on.

It’s also more consistent now and slows for 50%. Not to mention his ult allows him to slowly move faster the longer it lasts, making it easier to keep targets in LoS.

Point being, neither of these characters were struggling, yet both got better buffs than the ones that were/are.

The 30% railgun damage nerf was pretty sizable, so the reworked railgun pierce had to grant more utility. The flashbang change was more of a tracking bug fix than anything else. Yes, Sojourn and Cass/McCree did not need the changes, but I welcome them anyway since both characters were getting somewhat stale to play.

I am surprised that Sombra remained unchanged despite all the negative feedback threads about her current mechanics.