Want Smurfs Out Of Your Games Community?

Tomato, tomato. Whether it be a smurf/alt/whatever you want to call it account, their impact on the game is the same.

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Not true. Throwing is reportable. Being better than everyone in the lobby isn’t. Being at a lower SR than you should be isn’t “cheating” and isn’t reportable. Spamming false reports makes it harder to verify genuine ones. It makes the problem worse.

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I think we can all agree that you’re the undesirable one

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You obviously don’t get it.

Smurfing is not just a simple case of being better.

Of course the smurf player is better than everyone else in their match because they’re actually a higher rank player playing in a low rank match that they don’t belong in.

That isn’t cheating, no.

But a high rank player on a low rank smurf, that is cheating as per Blizzard’s own reporting system definition of same, specifically the part that mentions “unfair advantage” because that’s precisely what a smurf player has.

Except reporting smurfs for cheating is not false reporting as outlined above.


Reporting smurfs does not work. I have reported lots of GM players that decided it would be fun to throw until Plat or lower and destroy on Genji then throw on soldier/torb.

These are the ones that have been doing it for over a year and rubbing everyones nose in it by having an open profile with a top 500 icon.

Few days ago I ran into a group boosting and nothing happened. Same night I ran into a cheating Hanzo with a 50% crit rate for that game and nothing happened there either.

Blizzard has given us nothing but “oh yeah we got things in place so that doesn’t happen”… Cheating, smurfing, throwing… all of it goes mostly unpunished.

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I been doing that. I seen a drop in my area with smurfs plus their attitude is poor so ab report fits.

That just means they’re ignorant of the terminology. Smurfing is intentionally holding the account at a far lower level than you play at so you can amuse yourself by screwing with people that are legitimately trying.

Smurfs are usually constantly toxic anyway. Not much of a false report when they already behave like crap.

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The simple fact is, you don’t throw on an alt account. You’re not intentionally trying to seal-club.

On a smurf, you do both.

anyone i report, i also throw in an abusive chat report.

usually if they are cheating, they are toxic too.

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If you make your account lower SR, by throwing, you need to be banned for throwing. Then banned for cheating.

You only derank to cheat the system.

Ban them. Dealt with.

I’m not in favor of using automated report system. I’m in favor of blizzard improving it’s analytics engine…you can clearly tell when someone is consistently hitting higher accuracy per volume of shots…is smurfing…it’s the same method that can automatically detect aimbots. Someone nailing every shot at higher ranks is more believable at lower ranks…

You’d also be spotting all the account boosting going on…

yes there is
it’s the only report blizz do anything about
so yes indeed there is reason to report them for ab chat

Yeah…because people totally don’t use the automated report system as a tool for cyber bullying… Plz use the system as it was intended…namely to stop serious cyber bullying, trolling, descrimination, and sexism.

I view gray area reporting like this as cyber bullying of passive aggressive individuals. Let’s not kid ourselves…people abuse automated systems.

This inane abuse of the reporting syst m is burying real cases of abuse. We as a community may need to start cracking down on these individuals.

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This is the system players demanded and Blizzard gave them. It was never really meant for anything other than reporting people just because you don’t like what they do.

That’s actually what players wanted and they are lying to themselves if they think otherwise.

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Fight fire with fire. I’m gonna start doing this.

I have a friend who is a girl and the stuff she has had to put up with…like: " a girl is playing mercy, she’s the reason we lost…". Or players saying " switch…to a shield tank…or we report…while these players play whatever they like"…just doesn’t compare to this ops request.

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You’re using your own personal definition of cheating. Jeff, himself, has said that smurfing is NOT reportable and NOT against the rules. Again, if they’re throwing to maintain a lower rating, then that’s reportable. If they’re just at a lower rating than they ought to be, whether it’s their first or 50th account, that’s NOT reportable.

then stop complaining about getting burned

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A high rank player on a low rank account has the same impact on the game regardless of whether they’re a smurf or alt or whatever else you want to call them.

They have an unfair advantage over players actually at those lower ranks, and according to Blizzard anything that gives an unfair advantage is cheating.