Wanna nerf or remove something? Call it a bug!

I hate it when people want to get rid of something because its a glitch. I hate it when people want to remove/nerf something but can’t come up with a justification of said removal. Lets give you an example.

Like, why? I’m not shaming specific members of the community, but what is this?

Tldr: Read before you comment.

If “Its not a bug, its a feature” mentality wouldnt exist, every game would be dead boring.

Yes, if a bug could mess up the codes and thhe scripts up, it needs to be remved, but most of the devs of other companies gave them back as the part of the game or features (For example Nuclear Gandhi in the Civilization franchise)

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It takes up their resources, well i mean this doesn’t take much.

But in this case the feature wasn’t intended, maybe they want to work it out more so it won’t get abused. Who knows, we’ll see.

They only once did this with a bug, and that was Mercy’s super jump.

Mercy bunny hop and super jump I guess only one I can think of.

Admit it, this is just a veiled attempt to get huge sprays on Numbani spawn door back, huh?

If so I 100% support you!


I don’t even use sprays. My d-pad configurations are used for communications in custom games.

Same, but only if you consider endlessly spamming voice lines as “communications.”

Spamming? No, I just use Hello, I need healing (not spam), and Thanks.

I meant me…

Oh… Please word a little differently then.

I’m not sure how you could have read it any other way then me saying “I do the same (rebound directionals), but mine are all voice lines to spam.”

But whatever dude, explaining it was already too much effort for a mediocre joke.

Zen can not use orbs through barriers, thats a bug. wink wink

Oof. I wish hex was as fun as pretty colours. Taking me back to the days of converting hex numbers to 7 segment display. Fun fun. Can I interest you in some Boolean algebra as well?