Wallhacking / Hitbox tracking Ashe/Widow

Facing the facts, Overwatch is garbage now. Nothing but constant throwers. I am on a -600SR loss from my start and its pissing me off. I have my bad games and I have games where I and several teammates are doing great but we cannot do anything about a set of tanks that are feeding, letting the enemy free cap the objective, or 1 healer going off doing DPS and not healer, or the usual DPS non-sense of not countering or running in feeding. Im guilty of bad moves myself and its really difficult when there isnt anything that can be done.

Replay - N9VRTF

But here it is. This “Criminal” (not actual name but look for the reference) Ashe/Widow is most certainly using a Wallhack or Hitbox Tracking hack. They are a Bronze in our match and its not some smurf. Its possible they were also using an edge tracking for their aim as the crosshair was always trailing behind the player and somehow landing headshots after headshots. THey do miss shots so its not a true aimbot. They ended with a 60% critical scoped accuracy.

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3.8k Widow main here —

Can confirm that is not natural aiming. At first I thought you were wrong and it was a smurf, but it’s pretty obvious on Widow that it’s an aimbot.

Imagine aimbotting in Bronze…


you’d be surprised at how many aimbots or really any type of hack there is down between bronze and gold right now. Lots confuse them for smurfing.

As someone who has had a smurf down there before (whether people like that fact or not), you’re right that there are a fair bit of hackers in Bronze/ Silver/ Gold. In my experience it’s more common for there to be more hackers at the bottom SR range than between Plat/ Diamond/ Masters.

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Probably why they do it. People will be more likely to report them for sabotage instead of cheating because they just think it’s a smurf. If it gets checked at all they don’t see throwing so they don’t care.

is this on pc only or are people hacking console as well?

Yeah I think he is right this time. I thought its high ranked player on smurf but After watching almost whole match I dont think so. Looks like that aimbot is pretty subtle tho. It is doing just microcorrection on head when he is aiming very close to it.

One moment made me bellive it is cheat when they just captured first point when he was widow. He was aiming on Hammond and there was inhuman microcorrection, it was too fast even when slowed to 0,25%.

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Just so you know I’ve gotten about 8 reports in the last couple months for most of the replay codes you all said werent cheating. But whatever, thanks for actually believing for once.


i think this is where a lot of aimbots are tested due to nobody giving af about bronze tbh


Honestly never thought about it that way. More predictable movement would make it easier to both hide as well as test a bot.

I agree 100%

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Why would anyone test aimbot in bronze where it would be visible so much more than higher in ranks?

Because they could be testing the back to see how well it can blend in with normal gameplay. When in bronze/silver people could assume it’s a smurf or that the other teams was just bad with predictable movement/walking in without a shield/in a straight line.

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I dont think so because smurfs are usualy called aimbotters without even cheating there so trying it there would be big risk.

I would simply try it agaisnt AI. Deranking to bronze to test aimbot doest make any sense honestly.

Not really. I imagine most people in bronze don’t even know what day it is, let alone what a modern aimbot looks like

A huge percentage of work goes into trying to make aimbots look more natural. You need human test subjects and throwaway accounts to test that

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I played hundreds if not thousands games in bronze and silver and i saw one cheater there. Rest was in Gold-plat.

The denial of possibility is what gives them room to move undetected. Don’t be a skeptic and be more open to how people think. Like “how would I get away with this long enough to test it’s viability for a market?”

Cancerous replay there, good catch.

Its not denial of possibilty. I am not saying they dont exists. I am saying that i didnt have them in like thousands of games played.

Cheats in low ranks are pretty obvious because people have worse aim there so i would notice.

You’re denying the possibility in the thousands of games you’ve played, supposing you knew for sure you never encountered enough to be wary.

Even I can put away my ego and admit numerous suspicious plays within the many number of games I’ve played in lower ranks. They’re not always obvious if they’re built to be mirror natural aim, and they’re not meant to be always on. Toggle shortcuts exist to use when needed.

Yes because they werent there. I cant be sure about wall hack as it is almost impossible to spot. But i am pretty sure about aimbot hacks. You dont know me so please stop asuming i would not notice them.

Number of people who are talking about aimbot in low ranks is significant. I know it and do you know why? Because i was accused of having aimbot on multiple heroes countless times in low ranks. When i was having mediocre aim. Majority of people who think they saw cheat, simply saw someone with better aim.