Wait times with quits are crazy

I don’t think it’s fair to dps players that when someone quits within the first few seconds of a game and the game restarts we have to wait another 10 minutes for a game. I just had it happen twice in a row so now I’m stuck waiting in queue for like half an hour to play my first game game. I think blizzard should give people who just got kicked out of a game because of a quitter in the beginning a bit of priority in the queue for a game.

Thing is, matches don’t need to be cancelled at all if there’s a leaver. The solution to the leaver problem already exists in game in other modes - backfill.

It would completely eliminate the problem of leavers. Never again would 11 people be sent back into the queue because 1 person left in the first minute. It would also have the benefit of reducing queue times.

Given all that, it’s absolutely baffling as to why Blizzard have not implemented backfill in Competitive.