I’ve been having trouble now for about a month or so (search my post history LOL). My issues first started on XB1. I would be in a match with friends and completely lose all coms. They could hear me but I couldn’t hear them. Then it became I couldn’t hear them AND they couldn’t hear me. Every time it happened I would leave chat and rejoin it through the social tab and it would work again for a few minutes. Everyone could hear everyone. I started just doing it after every death or if there was a few seconds of down time so that we could keep playing. If we were in Party chat on XB1 it worked fine. No issues. Same with other games.
Then about a week after the initial problem I started experiencing it on PC as well. Same symptoms. Same ‘on the fly fix’. Something in one of the recent patches broke my voice chat.
I’ve used multiple headsets, multiple controllers, PC, XB1and the issue follows. I’ve even reinstalled on XB1. And before you tell me it’s my connectivity, we have 2 XB1 in the house (mine and my kids) and his works fine.
this solution is for the audio lowering when you join voice chat, but I’m putting it here in case it helps anyone
turn off “Enable audio enhancements” under signal enhancements in the advanced tab of your Microphone Properties within recording devices
I have the exact same issue you have.
Did you get any solution for this yet? Please let me know.
I did fixed it before by turning up the microphone boost. But a couple days later it happened again and I can’t fix it.
Since the last 2 patches, I haven’t had the issue. No changes made to my PC or XB1 or my internet connection, but miraculously after Blizzard code changes my issues went away.
Now I’m sure I just jinxed myself and will be complaining later tonight about it…
Now I found a solution to this problem.
-First, go to control panel.
-Go to troubleshooting
-Then click “Troubleshoot audio recordings”
-And done!
If this method doesn’t help I do apologize.
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Hello. I am also having issues with the voice chat on PC. I have two PC and have the problem on only one of them. Windows and Overwatch sound settings are the same on both machines (Win 10).
The issue is with headset only. On USB speakers I have both music/game sounds + voice chat. When I plug headset, I have music/game sound but no voice chat. BUT the most mysterious is that my headset has two jacks, one for headphones and one for mic and when I plug ONLY mic, the mic works fine, and voice chat also (in the speakers). When I plug both sound jack and mic jack, neither voice chat nor mic work.
So to sum up :
USB speakers : game sound + voice chat OK
USB speakers + microphone jack from headset : game sound + voice chat OK in speakers, microphone works fine
Microphone and headphone jacks : game sound in headphones, no sound from voice chat and microphone does not work
I tried with a different headset (the one from the computer without problem) and have the same issue. Motherboard sound drivers are up to date (from last week!)
As far as I can tell the headset (phones and mic) works fine in other voice apps like Skype
I don’t understand why I can hear voice chat on the speakers, but not in the headset. And I especially don’t understand why the microphone works fine on its own but stops to work when I plug the earphone.
I’ve been having this issue off and on for over a year now. Not sure what causes it, or what makes it go away. It’s just the luck of the draw on my end. I use my front panel audio in port for my mic and it’s set at 44100Hz.
Similar issue to a lot of others in this thread:
USB Blue Yeti works fine in every other application (I use it daily) and is properly detected in launcher settings, tests fine, shows up as the active device when mousing over the input setting (Default Devices) in the game but nobody can hear me regardless of push to talk or open mic. I can hear everyone else fine but the game refuses to transmit my voice. I have tried every proposed solution in this thread and others to no avail (44100hz, only enabled recording device and set to default for both media and communications, reinstalled drivers, etc etc). Was hoping to start comp this season and this is a bit of a showstopper
before u enter the game click option on top of the play botton , click scan and repair it downloaded 15mb for me after the scan than i launched the game the voice chat worked properly i hope this gonna help u well it worked for me
I have the same issue as the OP and have not made any changes to OW to cause it to stop comms. I am permanently muted in chat. I have tried to unmute myself by clicking myself an also tried using the mute hotkey to no avail. I tried all of the other suggestions listed in this post as well as disabling exclusive access of the microphone in the Windows Sound Advanced settings, deleted the Overwatch folder in Documents, and fully uninstalled and reinstalled Overwatch.
I really do not enjoy playing a team game where I cannot talk to or listen to my team. Tech Support, please help.