VIP-Queue should cost 5 VIP-Tickets instead of 1!

It’s actually quite fair.

If everyone has VIP tickets then it doesn’t really do anything…

I myself have quite a stash being a tank main.

And I find the queue times arnt really much better (although not bad) when I use one.

If we had to use 5 there would be less people queueing as VIP which would make the VIP line much quicker.
Much smaller.

Leaving the DPS queues without VIP shorter in turn as well.

This is a good idea

Priority queue is Blizzard’s attempt to fix a massive leak in a boat with cardboard pieces and glitter. It doesn’t actually do something and the boat is still sinking.

I wonder when they’re going to stop making pointless systems and actually fix the dam boat? Looking for group; failed. Endorsement; failed. Priority Queue; failed. How about actually balance tank and support rolls, fix the broken MM system and stop the massive focus on E-Sports and instead try to make the game enjoyable for the 99% of the players instead of the 1%.

Priority pass seems like they’re not even bothered with trying even. At least one person in the development meeting had to realise that priority pass wouldn’t actually do anything and have spoken up against it.

It would have a longer lasting effect on queue times in the short term… and everyone can still play the game

its not a definite. it never as. its an “estimated” guess.
One could say I might get at least 60 on this exam. that doesnt mean they will get 60 on the exam will they know? there is the possible they will.

the jobs of the ticket was stated to help you advance in Line because the time you could spent in queue you spent in a game flexing for other people.