VIP-Queue should cost 5 VIP-Tickets instead of 1!

You get them way too easy and can use them for way too long.
Don’t make them so cheap, and let people actually earn their VIP-Queue please!


They are way too easy to earn and way too easy to use, you’re absolutely right.


If there’s every DPS queueing with VIP-Tickets soon, there’s no VIP-Queue.
Already today I waited almost 5 Minutes for a game with VIP-Ticket active. That makes the whole system obsolete…

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That is not really smart
5 matches to get 1 pass? LOL

Imagine having so little of your community left you have to bribe them with priorty que knowing full well the reason people left was crap matchups not long matchmaking


Seems like you didn’t read my post correctly.

I wouldn’t mind a vip slot over priority. Make it so VIP is 10 tickets, priority is 1 ticket, and normal queue.

If only VIP means QUALITY match, then yes.

I would highly prefer that the tickets enabled me to queue into games with a better matchup quality and better attitude players than simply a shorter queue.

And I agree that getting tickets even for losing games is a thing that should go away.

We don’t need this. Not when you can win a game and get 6 tickets, and spending costs one?


No one saw the problem with this?

Yeah, I don’t really understand why they haven’t tought trough the whole system :confused:

Would make sense that if a win gives you 5, you would need to use 5 for the queue.

As it stands, i don’t even use them and have just been stocked up since the week the released.

Why not base it on the expected queue time.
The longer the expected queue time is the more priority passes you need.

VIP-Queue is not working, why is Blizzard not addressing this?!

It’s not because of a low community, but rather the fact that people want to play damage roles. You could multiply the playerbase by 20 and it’d still have the same problems.

The game itself is going for 1 tank -3 damage-2 supports by statistics. The OW team just don’t want to give it a proper try.

They should all be quality matches. You shouldn’t need a currency to ‘pay’ for a quality match!

If only.

I was was simply saying. And mostly this applies to QP. After all, they also have tickets no?

I have said it many times. They should give us an option when queuing. Faster times with a more random match that can more than not result in a severely lopsided match, or queue into a longer option that would narrow the skill field some to allow a better chance for a good game. (less steam rolls) This would apply to QP.

Because personally I’m getting really burnt out of having 80+% of my games be steam rolls. No matter if its my team doing it, or we are getting rolled over. Neither is fun.

But that’s me.

Game on.

what’s a VIP queue? I’ve never heard of this system. Wait, this isn’t some sort of paid for faster queue, is it?

People wouldn’t bother to flex for them then… and the reason they are there would be lost.

Because it IS working.


They added the Priority tickets a couple months or so ago. Which is what they are referring to here. The OP mistakenly called them VIP tickets. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yep Priqueue tickets.

Oh, Priority Pass. The PP line. He should have just said PP.

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