Very unfun gaming tonight. Solely from this meta

brig is just making the game unfun for me. I play hitscan and its miserable with the dual shields and extra armor. Reaper feels way more viable and its just boring. atleast dive took coordination. Every game tonight was just reaper and brigg walking around shooting/stunning and junkrat spamming nades from a corner. Even with perfect aim and mechanics. You get outshined by mindless heroes. Imma take a few days off


I think I’m taking the entire season off, if not longer. Sick of skill-less heros and throws and derankers making comp a living hell.


I really don’t understand what blizzard is doing. 600hp shield on a support who has 250 HP and can armor up.


She’s mostly off-tank support, a hybrid. She’s supporting her team with armor and heal. Support != heal.

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Skill-less heroes, throwers and derankers have been around since season 1.

This is just how Overwatch is. It’s random chaotic casual fun.

Why are people acting as if this is something new/recent?


Overwatch isn’t ‘casual’ if you actually play competitively to reach the higher ranks. Or you can be one of those people trying to learn new heroes in comp lol

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Soldier and McCree suffer because of dive tanks and orisa… I don’t think Brig really made that much of a difference. She’s just a healer

Blizzard want Overwatch to be so inclusive that those without mechanical skill can still compete against people of high skill with hard to master heroes. It’s killing this game.


Stun hit kill, stun hit kill, stun hit kill.


Here’s a suggestion stay out of her range and that won’t happen.

how is it any different from mccree? Flashbang then oneshot with a rightclick.


You are a moira main moaning about “low skill heroes”


Mcree doesn’t have a shield, armour and needs to aim?


Needs to aim with fan the hammer? if you are in range of a brig as a moira main then that’s just bad positioning. Also how can you be struggling with her just fire orbs at her and hold right click 300 miles away since moiras range seems to be infinite.


I’ve not played comp yet so it’s not my problem, it’s a problem for people who have high mechanical skill at diamond and above with low health heroes like genji and tracer.

Well it’s about time genji/tracer got proper counters. Everyone else has them just because they are high skill doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be countered.


You’re joking right? Flashbang doesn’t go through shields, has a longer cooldown, and McCree himself basically dies in 1 second if anyone looks at him. He’s arguably the squishest hero in the game due to having the biggest hitbox out of any 200hp hero (especially his head hitbox), slow movement, and no defensives/escapes to speak of.


It’s a team game, therefore the game should (and does) reward coordination and strategy more than pure mechanical skills.

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Moira isn’t as easy as Brigette.

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Strategy= stun locking

Sure Jan

This is a champion that requires a fair bit of coordination to deal with. It’s clear that people don’t like that. It’s also clear that it perfectly fits the game design, so if your only argument is that it’s “unfun” prepare for the game to be “unfun” for a long time. You need to make a legitimate balance argument to be taken seriously. More than just “I’m stunned and salty”.