Very Nice MMR Blizzard

Can’t spell Blizzard without that L

It doesn’t need to have access to past performance to encourage a streak.

While theory on top of “certainty”, what if there a “rank protection” on the Mmr level. If your at the border of an Mmr “value”, but instead of dropping you to the lower tier, it artificially keeps you at the higher Mmr until you lose enough games.

Combine that with time of day, certainty, and the random leavers and smurfs… I can definitely see the system hold you in an unfavorable state longer than needed causing a loss streak.

Now go watch their replays. These players aren’t having a bad game or throwing, they have no idea what they’re doing and it makes absolutely no sense why their in a match with you.

Opposite is true when you’re on a win streak, watch the other team, they’re all playing like new players looking like they’re 2000 SR below where they are.

Competitive is a lot about blending awful players with great players to try and create “fair” teams and it fails miserably more than half the time.


Nope. It has no access to any of that. Just used 4 things.
Time queued.

That is all it looks at.

You should awarded for how well you play, it is going to take so much longer for players who are better than their rank to get out.

Smurfs are quite literally in a whole lot of my matches. I never used to complain or see them very often, but when I see a Roadhog with a 95% winrate in 40 games, a Tracer with roughly the same, or even a Soldier or Genji and they are just wreaking havoc in my match, and the match is completely one sided because someone didn’t want to play at their own rank. They even admit it because they won’t get banned. Those were matches I could have won if the match maker just ranked them up faster and got them to ruin less matches.

Even take a look at all the new Unranked to Top 500 a lot of streamers have been doing recently. They get placed absolutely nowhere near where they belong even Dafran, he did a Unranked to Top 500 on Venture and got placed Silver, and he was only getting 20% roughly per win, imagine how many games he ruined for so many other people before he got to Grandmaster?

The system never used to be like this. They used to rank up extremely fast and now they don’t.


They used to… It had the adverse effect of unexpectedly boosting some players. So they sacked it off.

Keep it simple. Win, go up. Lose, go down. the skill is always in winning the game.

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it’s okay you can say mercy playe-
gets sniped by mercy mafia


Nah, In the end stats matter. If a player gets the healing, mitigation or/ and damage needed for a rank and can maintain it… that’s not boosted. It’s up to a “team” to capitalize on the applied resources. Game nerfed due to a small minority crying because “they” actually didn’t belong in a competitive sense.

Stats matter to a point.

They can help, when you look at a season to figure somethings out. They won’t help you win the match though.

You can have “bad” stats and win, just because you were the payload princess.

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At that point , Your under ratio, You should gain sr but not as much as the people on your team that basically 4v5 while you sat on the payload

You’ll gain the usual amount, with the usual modifiers based on your MMR.

They wouldn’t be able to do that, if you didn;t push. Your role is just as, if not bigger, than theirs.

This a thousand times this, i remember if you played well and won a couple games you had the potential to double rank up or at the very least move significantly far on the rank progress bar that we couldn’t see. Now it doesn’t matter if you have 600 kills 2 deaths ur still getting 20-24% it’s so frustrating. Or u get put in a 1 sided stomp still had really good stats lost and ur still punished harshly for it because you were expected to win, as with before in this situation youd only lose a tiny little bit


Literal recipie for failure.

Lile why have ranks and divisions at all if the just mix it all up?

Whats the point of being gold 3 or plat 1 or d5 if they just lump everyone together?


Your role is NOT as big, The team can always come back to payload and continue the push… it like a ball boy. We could get the ball ourselves it just easier for you to do it……. and most objective team fights finish on the objective.

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News flash the first week or 2 of any season is going to be a circus. Give the ladder some time to settle itself out.

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