Very good healer LFG

I’m looking to find a team i can stick and play with. I am a healer, i play all the characters but main mercy and lifeweaver the most.

To increase your chances of finding someone, include your rank, continent and/or country, and platform. :slightly_smiling_face:


Yeah I’ll give u what I made as an example. And if u want add me if ur bronze:

(North America) (PC)

I’m a hard-stuck bronze 5 widow main looking to rank up in comp with anyone (dps, tank, support) friends. Will switch to Genji, 76, Sojourn, or Hanzo if needed. I LOVE having good mercys, anas, kirikos and other good dps.

I play mostly on weekends (any time). Friendly, have fun and try hard to win at the same time. Been playing for a year abt now (230 hours on the game, I’m pretty good at the game. Don’t know why I’m bronze 5). I play with AirPods so I got a mic but it’s not the greatest. :smiley:
If u want, my discord is: ChristianSchober#6003 (not sure if it has numbers and hashtag)
BattleTag: SepiaViper#14219