Venture Shakes Up the Game this Weekend!

Its honestly really tacky that you go into every post complaining about this when the posg has nothing to do with lifeweaver.


This is a Blizzard made thread. There is literally no better place to go to get a message read by either mods or the odd developer.


Every post? My guy I don’t go into every thread, much less most, much less half, much less 25% or even 10% of them. I could do that if you’d like me to though.

this was the worst idea team 4 could come up with…

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“they” grow up blizz


The knockback of this hero is a complete nightmare to deal with as a tank. It needs to be removed completely.

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Feedback: please allow the same style of ‘enemy outline’ while burrowed for our own team’s Venture. Seeing them underground and where they’ll pop out is important for supports like Bap, Moira, Kiriko, etc.

It’s also helpful to try and setup combos. I think you guys did a great job with the burrowing mechanic and how good it looks/is telegraphed, this would be one QoL for teammates that would help a lot.

I like mostly everything else about the hero, and I think you guys got close if not spot-on with their balance! For a new DPS hero, to me, Venture is well done!

The amount of grammatical errors is truly worrying for a company as big as Blizzard. You do not refer to a single person as “They”, “Their” or “Them”, the English language simple doesn’t work like that. Please fix this issue if you want to be taken seriously, Blizzard.


I remember when venture was being shown off the guy who was talking about the gameplay was constantly stuttering and repeating words


fun hero, unique game play/design. fun to combo drill + melee. Only gripe is delay on burrowing causes deaths when you go underground. there is a minor delay when you burrow and it shows your underground already on your screen, but it still shows u as about to burrow on the enemies.

I already hate her. The boops, high damage, shield generation and low cd, immortal escape all suck to play against. You just brought back dps Doomfist.


I didn’t even try her :ok_hand:

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Agreed, she plays a lot like Doomfist, especially the uppercut combo.

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Blizz did grow up and they realized not everyone is binary <3

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and here we have the average person with a 4th grade reading level purely due to bigotry

they actually have pretty high cooldowns it’s more just timing things right.

She looks very boring. Her kit is meh. I wouldn’t be bothered if they removed her.


That was actually my first impression as well. She gains “shields” now?

And spot on. I get it’s supposed to be like old Doomfist (dps) which I assumed “overshields” to be something called “barrier” which isn’t the same as regular blue shields.

It’s like they simplified Doomfist to make a more stripped down version of him.

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they are, whether you like it or not. you can call yourself a unicorn if you want, but I won’t play along.

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Which is why I can’t take this kind of stuff seriously.

Me or the people who identify as theynicorns?