Venture primary weapon is very underwhelming

She works like Sigma , but worse than sigma with less damage, less splash damage , less range. The whole thing good about her is her ult and her right click, they are extremely painful

Sigma does 55 DMG per orb, venture does 80.
Sigmas range is 20m ventures range is 15m more damage less range.
from what playtime I have on them today I think venture is similar to doomfist in that their primary fire is not their primary source of damage but is instead intended to finish off enemies or weave into combos. You can very easily burst combo most heroes with two primary fires and a right click. Adding a melee follow up to the right click will kill 275- 300 hp heroes.

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Nah it needs to feel that way otherwise it’d be broken.

They are a very tanky DPS who has good mobility and survivability. If they gave them some long range projectile weapon they would be a must pick. Their risk comes from having to close the gap in order to deal damage.

Probably cause they have so much power elsewhere.

They are mostly close range and will burrow to people, pop up, shoot down for some damage then drill and melee. Being close ranged to them HURTS.