Venture nerfs when?

Are we just gonna ignore that Venture is LITERALLY dps Doomfist but worse?


I guess they will overnerf her after a month or 2, then buff her to “normal”, like most new characters
Every new ones got through these phases like the characteristic of a low pass filter


Lifeweaver was pretty garbage on launch.

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I don’t mind the damage, it’s just that going against Venture and Doomfist on the same team is insufferable with how much you can get knocked around.


Ahh I have heard so. Was AFK’d during that time
But I guess most of them (including new ones back in OW1) were like what I described

just think, doom, venture, sombra/tracer, lucio, kiri…have fun with that lol.

The issue is she does a lot for so little risk, the only time she’s truly vulnerable is during her ult, but that’s if you haven’t been caved in yet.

She’s got everything, damage, sustain, invul, and there’s nothing you can do about it.


Except range. You can outrange her incredibly easily.

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Yes, they are worse. Literally.

The hero is weak. Idk why you want nerfs lol.

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And that means you’re zoned out of the objective so she still has the advantage.

Venture is vulnerable when they use their Burrow. It has a startup animation to it that can be interrupted with any stun: Doomfist punch, Hog hook, Sleep Dart (hard), Brig Ult Stun, Magnetic Grenade (easy), Hack (hard), etc. They also have a predictable and televised exit path. I’ve seen good Rein players time the exit with a charge perfectly consistently.

Venture also struggles to deal with the following heroes:

  • Cassidy (Magnetic grenade is just a stronger hack against Venture that you can’t interrupt)
  • Torbjorn (Venture struggles to deal with the turret compared to the other dps heroes)
  • Ana (Sleep Dart is a death sentence if hit during an engagement)
  • Roadhog (Hook during dig animation is a death sentence)
  • Doomfist (Punch canceling dig animation is a death sentence)
  • Pharah/Echo/Mercy (Just annoying to deal with due to short range, but doesn’t struggle like Junkrat does)
  • Lifeweaver (petal platform makes engaging against him difficult and he can save anyone you try to engage against).
  • Sojourn (They can slide out of the combo and keep distance well)

I’m approaching 20 hours on Venture and am very familiar with what they struggle against. Cassidy and Torb are by far their toughest DPS matchups.


I can deal with Sombra and Tracer, or Lucio and Kiri. They’re not knocking me around against my will lol.

Doomfist alone I can handle. Venture alone I can handle. But it’s when they both dive you that is frustrating to me.

I don’t even mind that. Again, it’s the fact that I lose control of my character’s movement going against Venture and Doomfist. Both of them together is too much for me to have a good time lol

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I’ll be interested to see how Blizzard feels about Venture. Hopefully they don’t just gut them to satiate complainers like they did to Illari and Lifeweaver.

“Safe side of strong”

Numbers wise venture feels close, but obviously over the line.

Overall I dont mind their kit- but the amount of CC they do is absolutely insane. Every element of their kit has some form of CC.

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Agree with the little risk, Venture can get in and out too easily, combined with the lower accuracy damage output. All while getting bounced around, the only chance to do anything accurately, is when they pop from the ground, and you are out of range. Its almost as if Reaper wraith had a boop on it. Not to mention Lifeweaver pedal platform picking up burrow. EMP, Surge, Flux, Shatter, Grav, and probably a few more, should pop Venture out of the ground. With the exception of Surge, Venture’s kit/boop abilities removes most of the value from an ultimate follow up. I know it’s not full CC, but OW2 was trying to remove it, that’s how we got the beautiful hinder lol. It’s really not fun to play when your expected input doesn’t match your input.

I think the windows where you can punish them are to small and the burst damage to high. Yes, they need a nerf very badly and I think turning down the number AND increasing the cooldowns should be done to fix them. Venture might be fun and a new hero, but it feels like that they are not punishable. The ONLY hero that destroys them is Cassy…

So either get us more hinder abilities in the game or nerf them.

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I think a few seconds to cooldowns and toning down the knockback of the abilities would be a good start.

After those changes have been in for a while it’ll be more clear if their damage needs adjusting or not.

Doing everything at once would be too much in a go.

I think the main problem people (and I) have is that they have a one shot combo that will evaporate most heroes, while they can then get out or have enough health with their shield passive. I dont think just adjusting the cooldowns will be enough.

But as I know blizzard that they will “fix” Venture with 1 second on drilldash and make her ult charge 10% longer or some other excel fix, that only helps for Venture to perform worse statistically, while still remaining a problem for the rest of S10…


mid season like all other op heroes theyve added.


But at least venture won’t be able to run as efficiently and get away scot free.
With adjusting the knockback’s down and lengthening the cooldowns will force them into downtime where they will be more killable.
Maybe cap the shields so that only one ability’s shields can be on at a time?
I don’t know if that’s a thing already.

I don’t like being comboed more than the next person, but with longer cooldowns at least my team has a chance of killing them.
But with reduced knockbacks you will regain more control of your own hero.

One option is also to reduce the splash effect of their primary fire so it’s eadier to dodge?

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