Venture needs buffs

I didn’t say I was GM. I said Toast and QrowxClover are. But honestly I don’t think she needs a buff either. She’s extremely easy to play and a walking CC machine.

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2 seconds off dash wouldn’t make venture broken just more consistent. Where it stands now you have to use all of your cool downs to secure one elimination than you immediately die afterwards. Being a burden to your team.

Don’t associate me with her :sob: it was only a few times out of desperation

Is that why I primarily solo queue and climbed to GM on BOTH platforms? Oh, or is that why I have literal VODs of me rolling T500s? I’m as good as I am egotistical, troll.

Which doesn’t take long at all :skull:

It’s not a miracle, it’s skill. Maybe try being quiet when better players are telling you you’re wrong.

Echo is tricky because she’s as hard as Tracer is but not as strong, with virtually the same skillset. Why even play Echo when you can play Tracer? Of course, there are times where Echo is a better pick, but they’re very rare.

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No. Shame.

When a Junkrat exists on the other team?

The only thing I enjoy about that matchup is adding another point onto the “copied Junkrat, did nothing and immediately lost copy” list. It’s a thing that I can’t unsee anymore :skull: I have yet to see a single Echo do anything with Junkrat copy.


I have less than 10 hours on her give me a break :sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:

That is actually a scenario I’ve swapped to Echo for :skull:

I’ve landed combos immediately after doing it before but I’ve NEVER lived long enough to get Tire



I don’t like you.

I’m serious when I say I’ve yet to see an Echo do anything with copy after Junks nerf. Pre nerf they’d manage to get a free kill or something with I frames and combos but now they can’t just combo…No. Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside to force copy in a duel, kill the copy and then die. Don’t even care if they manage to kill me with their third life.



I wouldn’t have done it if I hadn’t been combo’d :triumph:

Hey, I get that lol

My favorite thing is killing an Echo that copied me by diffing her Tracer so fast I don’t even have to Recall. Happens more often than you would think, too.


id just like them to be able to activate ult while underground (not shoot it, just hit Q and have it turn on) and maybe 10 ammo instead of 8. their gun kinda sucks, they dont need such low ammo

thats impossible to do since venture isnt a real person and is a literal projection of colours onto a screen

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I can’t say that I agree with this. I think that it would actually make her broken.

Nah, that means they will knock people around more and I don’t want more movement CC. :confused:

2 seconds is a lot given that is a good source of damage, movement, and displacement for them.

This character needs zero buffs. Blizzard designed a terrible reject character thats fun to play in a vacuum, but inside Overwatch just legit is terrible.

Zero mid range capabilities, but turbo overpowered when inside her range, and absolutely talentless to boot. The design of this character blows chunks, and while Blizzard succeeds yet again to design a fun to play character, they just dont work inside of Overwatch healthily.

actually its not impossible venture identifies as non-binary

Don’t see the reason to play Venture over them but also don’t see right now where Venture needs a buff though

The simple fact that this hero was used a lot, and I mean A LOT in OWCS just proves that they don’t need any buff.

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To be honest, they could do with a nerf…

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nothing, venture is nothing, venture isnt real, jfc

with this I agree

20 char

After seeing what Venture can offer in OWCS if played right. Venture is 100% fine as it is rn.

The Mauga/Venture/Genji burst combo is absurd.

Lol no, venture is not. Even at Dallas the winning team, crazy raccoon, barely played venture. They’re viable at high levels with coordination but not hard meta.

Basically only falcons played venture a lot though

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