Venture needs a nerf

Venture is low skill high reward, got like 24 eliminations and 3 deaths as venture in one game. He’s way too easy to play as, needs a nerf.


A single game can make any character look busted.


Been getting around 20 elims per game as venture in several games.


breaking news: local man good at overwatch

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I don’t think eliminations are a good marker for how well you’re performing. I could boop an entire team as Lucio right before they all got killed by a D.Va bomb, and I get 5 eliminations added to my stats because I did some damage that wasn’t healed away before they died.

Take a look at your damage numbers for a slightly better indicator. In my games as Venture, my damage numbers seemed to be more or less in line with the other DPS in the lobby.

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Venture is definitely too strong. Sure, it might vary from map to map, but on most of them, where you have short ways and a lot of corners (which is most, because Blizzard forced this kind of maps for whatever reason, taking out almost all maps with an open spaces → worst decision ever btw) Venture is totally busted. The primary fire is way too strong. Not to forget that Venture has a free out-of jail card that even removes status effects such as Ashe Fire, plus Venture gets a shield. If that is not one of the most busted characters ever released, I don’t know. It’s a shame for the game; it’s just bad. They need to do something about it. And for now people are only learning Venture. What do you guys think will happen when they really know how to play Venture?


Is he? IDk man, I’ve seen Moira run around with more elims, almost like they mean nothing in this game.

To OP: They are a new hero. Nobody knows how to properly play with or against them yet. Give it time and people will know how to deal with Venture.

Just like how people are also atill learnibg how to play AGAINST Venture(who is easy to counter) and we shpuldnt make any statements on their balamce just yet, as they havent been put long enough for their place to solidify.

You might just be alright at the hero.

How many Echo/Pharahs have you faced?

Fliers eat Venture for breakfast imo. Yeah venture can get themselves into the air, but only very briefly, and getting an elim isnt easy at all doing that.

Moths, especially pocketed moths, counter Venture quite well.

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Yep every new non hitscan hero that gets released just becomes Pharah-Echo-Mercy fodder. It’s so fun


I got a 40+ elims and 0 deaths in some random games as Bastion. Guess Bastion is OP?

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I got 77 elims and 8 deaths in a game once with Cass. He seriously needs a nerf /s

I had 3 games in a row yesterday with over 20 elims and 2 or fewer deaths with Hanzo and Cass, I guess they are OP too.

Our Hog was 30 something and 0 deaths, I guess Hog needs huge nerfs too.


Give it time, let people figure out what works well against Venture. From what I have seen so far, Venture is a just a big fat awareness check for a lot of players, they don’t even notice you burrowing around their feet and then are all surprised when you pop up out of the ground.

Played a good amount of high lobbies yesterday, incredible mid character.
Feels like genji with lower skill ceiling.
Honestly this hero is B tier at best could use some buffs to range, ammo and burrow cast time.
At the mid ranks a complete pubstomper lmao. Can dominate every lobby with ease.
But yeah if you play against real players not as good as it could be.

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Burrow is a pretty good disruptor anyway. Moves around under your team for 4s and you have to pay attention to it or move. Then the charge can be held for 1.3s iirc, so that’s 5.3s of attention grabbing/soft displacement. A lot for a non tank character imo. People compared it to mei or reaper but iceblock is stationary and shorter, fade is much shorter and you can pre aim his head. They also don’t have the same combo potential or escape options (vertical mobility + dash) when they’re in the middle of the enemy team.

Doubt she will dominate high ranks though.

She seems kind of mid too me. I play versus her than Tracer Widow or Sombra

Without a doubt broken. Idk bout the elims I slow mo replayed and tested her slash its dmg. She can kill a healer in under 1.5 sec. 2 shots and a left trigger dill. I think it was closer to 1.25. u can say reaper can do it all u want but we hear n see and can get aware. She has a 16m range and is much deadlier than any reaper ever! Blew up my ana teammate in ranked with 2 shots n a drill. I’m a console player and it tough enough as it is with xim users but this takes it to another lvl. No skill. Shots are huge. She burrows and shields but with 2 shots n a drill half the roster dies under a a 1.5 sec span. Then add her ult and capabilities to evade better than most dps. Cassidy got a crappy roll. She can hide underground n get healthpacks while contesting? She without a doubt is broken and a nerf and is for sure going to happen. These kids can cry she doesn’t need one all they want. 14 thousand games since day one launch and iv never seen such a horrible dps overpower since bastion with shield. This is one of these moments wel remember after they nerf this ho.


They’re just as thouroughly broken as they were during the free weekend. Swallow your pride and fix your screw up devs. Getting tired of your new toy just being able to decide to merc my whole team by abusing a painfully obviously overpowered ult

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Just wait until the enemy team swaps to Cass and focuses you down. Grenade makes you feel useless.

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I hate this character. It needs longer between the times it is able to burrow.