Venture is visually unappealing

The hero releasing after Venture

Concept art tbf but man. generic #to #me


That is a really great question that I am also curious about. I highly doubt we get the answer despite the intent of this thread… :joy:


Honestly, space ranger just from that concept alone looks a million times cooler than whatever venture was supposed to be.


I echo this. Especially when you see all the official artwork for it (which is good imo), then you get that potato in-game model. Whatever charm there was in 2D is wiped out.


Venture was supposed to be the world’s worst archeologist.


Disclaimer because those are mandatory these days; just my candid two cents on their reasoning relative to the character, nothing against anyone in any way.

The hair, generally non-confident aesthetic, and over-compensating “teehee you’re a doorknob and not me” attitude of the character are ridiculously close to my hero academia’s main character. That comic is notorious for its “I’m such an underdog, the world is so hard, I hope my angry power of friendship tears can reach people” niche but broad demographic.

Shot in the dark, that’s probably what they’re looking at. Makes sense to me, since her kit is basically “doomfist but not really.” Doomfist’s kit isn’t too far from that other character in MHA.

Again, nothing against anyone, just drawing a comparison. :thinking:


Bro… Space Ranger is maybe in alpha testing and we did not even saw any gameplay, but you already jump to conclusions.

“Oh no! The character is attractive!”, is also a stupid thing to say. People enjoy looking at good-looking characters. I hope she is a waifu (either cute, adorable or hot).

Not to mention that Venture looks worse than Hog, Junkrat or Moira. They (Venture) look cheap and unfinished even in the game.


Very, very generic, but I’d love to know what’s up with those anklets that look like bear traps without teeth. :joy: I know overwatch’s designs tend to be incredibly over-baked and not at all concocted well before being dropped in the oven, but that particular detail takes it from “pfft, okay” to “wait, what the?”

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I kind of like her design. I like the baggy borderline snowboarding vibe she has going.


has to be one of the ugliest characters in a while outside the fact that also looks like a hobo. Even the voice lines are annoying.

Maybe will be saved by the gameplay but even that would be unfortunate with how cringe this character is.


PS1 era JRPG. Needs more buckles though.


Gameplay DEF makes up for it, Is there any word on how old venture even is? if its above 30’s then thats just awful writing because who talks like this

I don’t get why Vench being “ugly” is a problem. Maybe I just have a bias towards baggy clothes, but I like the character’s design. And yes, “dumb goofball who eats rocks” is a pretty niche character design, but isn’t Overwatch all about finding your weird niche main? We’ve already hit a lot of the main beats with Mommy Mercy, Dad: 76, Femme Fatale Widow, Foot Crowd Sombra, whatever Cassidy’s supposed to be, and so on. Let the mole cook.

Actually, don’t let the mole cook. Them looks like they’d start a kitchen fire making a bowl of Lucky Charms.


Oh, lord. I hate square enix just for their designs. :fearful: They’re so much worse! :joy:

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Maybe this will change your perspective
But Venture is a total Tomboy.
Is thrilled with adventure and digging. I think the personality matches the look & voice


The bulky clothing definitely gives me Kingdom Hearts vibes. I don’t hate it, very nostalgic for me.

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Is venture’s teeth as bad as that promo picture made them look?

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Venture would definitely dare you to eat this bug for five dollars. :bug:


I love the gameplay and their voice, but the look is terrible (clothing, not the face). Thats why I will wait for the skins. Really hope blizzard is cooking here, because Tomboys are my weakness.

“Is Venture male or female?”
→ Tomboy

Universal answer :joy:


Thats why I said this is my opinion. You don’t have to agree with it. Its a problem because I have to see it when I play the game. This is also my opinion. You’re allowed to disagree with that too.

Visually boring characters do not enhance a game. They don’t make it better in any way. By the way, boring doesn’t always just mean how hot the character is. Venture doesn’t look cool. This character is an eye sore.

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