Venture is mobility creep

How is this mobility creep. She’s basically DPS doom reincarnated lmfao.

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I think theyre a little overtuned (after a whole 10 minutes in practice range) but if Venture uses both abilities to close distance then all they have is their gun which is pretty weak

It is kinda silly that a digging hero can get like 30 meters vertical though.

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I promise you it isn’t. Soldier counters them as well.

Another? Venture has like 4


I’ve played about 20ish games so far and I have had 0 issue with them as any support except Zen, but that’s only because getting into a melee fight doesn’t go very well when they too have increased melee damage

Their hitbox is pretty big so very easy to deal damage to them

No, he’d remove all supports.


250 hp on a dive hero is bonkers.
Plus shields. Wtf blizz.

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Of all the forms of power creep, the only kind I’m actually OK with is mobility creep. Mobility is fun. Coach Spilo also has this take, so I’m not alone on that.

I loved when Venture said: “It’s drilling time”, and then drilled everyone in the match.

Ok seriously, Venture is fine, but I see the OW team maybe nerfing the ult, more time between ult shots, Idk?

Every squishy has at least 250 hp now, except widow, tracer and baby dva that’s the new standard hero hp pool.

Dive, mobility heroes have become broken with 250hp. Season 9 ruined the game.

Way easier to close distance with more hp, survive situations you wouldn’t before season 9

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she is literally dps doom lol

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Yeah and they removed dps Doom cause he was unhealthy for the game zzzz


Eh not really. No slam or wall impact move. Just uppercut revamped with an interesting version of rocket punch.

In fairness, genji has literally always been bloated af.

Alternatively, I can see Venture feeding by diving into the enemy team then dying.

Good. Mobility is fun.

Venture doesn’t have a one shot stun and the ability to sit on roofs the entire match so…?

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Now you got a hero digging underground to close distance that has no counter play and the uppercut still does damage…with the drill to close even more distance when you come out of dig. With a stronger ultimate than Doomfist.

But Mercy would only be able to damage boost. GA would be removed because that makes her hard to kill. Res would be removed because it undoes a Cassidy players hard earned elim. And healing means the enemy dps might live and we can’t have that. Lastly, Mercy would only be able to damage boost dps. Oh also damage boost only works for AKJ’s team so Mercy is just a pretty smiling lady on the enemy team

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You know, I actually found that Zen demolishes Venture just because of discord orb and a volley blowing it up all day. But that was just one match.