Venture is fun af

ignoring my bias for Drill weapons (Bioshock and DRG), their gameplay seems pretty simple and fun

I LOVE the melee being a multi hit drill, reminds me of Bioshock 2 in the best way

i really want to try venture out when the patch drops but yea its gonna be hard at the hero select screen.

guess i might do some AI games. havnt done those in a long time

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the dig is weird, not too sure how I feel about it yet, and their range is pretty short, but they seem very fun (assuming you win the hero select battle)

Wait did blizzard finally manage to add a good new support? I thought they’d lost their touch completely after LW.

Off on that one my guy

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What is Venture not fun?

Venture is a DPS hero

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wait… lol the patch did drop. here i am waiting for nothing

the training range has a long wait time too right? i cant get in one lawl

Ah my mistake, haven’t really been tracking Venture that much.

i think trainiing range is bugged

I really hate the way she talks but other than that its an alright kit, its gonna be annoying getting drill jumped but it’ll lead to some funny kills

well i made a custom game against ai. her range is pretty short but the AOE is crazy

Digs deffo a bit clunky rn I expected it to be…faster underground since it’s kind of a movement ability. Even mauga moves faster in dash xD

nah for the immort and burst damage on the erupt is insane, got a potg my second game with them, possible new dps main for me

Are you talking about the immort and burst damage that you got a PoTG on, or on Venture the character?

both. Potg was a burst out of the ground, then ult.

Just make her stupid mound targetable plz its so dumb

Honestly feels rather underwhelming and needs more tuning. Feels like another episode of Lifeweaver. To get any boops would mean having to suicide.